$ sudo docker build -t sevabot .
Configure the container passing in a "secret" (sevabot password) + skype admin username:
sudo docker run -e secret=123456 -e skype_user=jcmandel -e mongo_url="mongodb://localhost/myapp" sevabot
export CID=`sudo docker ps -l -q`
export IP=`sudo docker inspect -format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' $CID`
vncviewer $IP
In the vnc viewer, agree to the Skype terms of service, enter a skype bot username + password, and check off the "sign in automatically" option. Then sign in, and approve sevabot's connection request (choosing "remember this devision).
Once that's done, kill the container and commit:
sudo docker kill $CID
sudo docker commit $CID sevabot
At this point you've got a configured image that you can launch via:
sudo docker run -d -p 5000:5000 sevabot start