I'm a data scientist / ML engineer, and enjoy making things with code and data.
Some recent things I've made
- π blognerd.app: a search engine for blog sites and posts, using streamlit and a lot of RSS feeds.
- π² cyclearchive.com: a simple library of very old (mostly pre-1900s) cycling magazines.
- ποΈ blaze.email: a curated weekly email service covering several topics in ML, data and tech.
- π inspectpd: method patches for quick inspection and visualisation of pandas dataframes.
I work less in R now, but previously made
- a Tour de France data package
- inspectdf, a package for comparing and visualising dataframes
- htmldf, tools for dataframe-centric webscraping
- A list of really good R learning materials free-data-science
My personal site is at https://alastairrushworth.com, where I infrequently write blog posts. Before I worked in ML, I lectured in statistics some papers from that time can be found on Google Scholar and PDFs here.