Generate your .secret (for serverless) with a CLI touch using the AWS's parameter store.
./aws-secrets --help
- environment string The environment that you want to call [production/testing/etc.] (default "") -> All environments
- modules string All the modules to import separated by a ',' e.g. database,elasticsearch (default "database")
- output string The various output method ['screen', 'file'] (default "screen,file")
All the parameters need to have a name like this --name /<<environment>>/<<product>>/<<key>>
aws ssm put-parameter --name /prod/database/DB_HOST --value "Username" --type SecureString --key-id "alias/aws/ssm" --region us-west-2 aws ssm put-parameter --name /demo/database/DB_HOST --value "Demo-Username" --type SecureString --key-id "alias/aws/ssm" --region us-west-2