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JustPasteIt is an open source alternative of pastebin to share code/text with your friends online. All you have to do is paste your code in justpasteit and then share the link you get with your friends. How cool is that?! ๐

Try the tool: JustPasteIt
Provides you to share text or code with your friends in just few clicks โจ๏ธ.
- Share code with your friends
- Minimal UI, Lightning Fast
- Fully Responsive
JustPasteIt is the best choice to share text/code with your friends. โจ๏ธ
- Clone the repository
git clone
- Change the working directory
cd justpasteit
- Install dependencies
npm install
- Run the app
npm start
๐ You are all set! ๐
Pull Requests are always welcome! If you wish to contribute using Github, you can work on any features or create one on your own. After adding your code, send us a Pull Request.
- Please read
for details on ourCODE OF CONDUCT
, and the process for submitting pull requests to us.
- React
- AOS: for scroll animations
- react-router-dom: for routing
- react-toastify: for react toasts
- copy-to-clipboard: to copy texts to clipboard
- QuillJS for React: as default HTML text editor
- JS XSS: HTML Sanitizer (XSS Protection)
- highlight.js: Powerful highlight library for many languages
I'm gonna add some pretty cool features as soon as I can in the coming weeks. This is my first react project and I will add the following features:
- Better ui
- Amazing buttons
- Some dope animations
- Better aesthetics
- Better text editor
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE
file for details.
This project exists thanks to all the people who contribute โ contribute.
This project needs a ๐ from you
Developed with โค๏ธ in India ๐ฎ๐ณ