This app was created with create-react-app
, so, the only thing left to do before you start coding is:
npm install
npm start
You are given a Switch.js
component that, for now, is dummy.
The goal of this exercise is to turn it into a component that will change the theme from dark to light with the click of a button, and will also keep track of how many times the theme was changed:
You are already given the basic code and some CSS classes to help you with the theme change.
On the Switch.js
- Use the hook "useState" to create a state called count. Its initial value should be 0.
⚠️ Remember to import the hook at the top of the component so that you can use it:
import { useState } from 'react'
- Print the value inside of the H4 that you have, next to "times changed". Right now it should print: "Times changed: 0"
- Create two buttons, Light theme and Dark theme
- Create two functions: setDarkTheme and setLightTheme. For now, both functions will do the same: they should increase the counter state by 1.
- Each button, when clicked, should call its own function
If you take a closer look at what the Switch.js
component returns, you will see that it has two classes:
<div className='switch light'>
One of them is is the switch class. That gives is it the padding, etc. That one shouldn't change.
The other one is the light class, which right now is hardcoded and sets the theme to light. We want to change that class to dark with the click of a button, so: we want to turn that into a dynamic and chanding class. How so?
With ✨ useState ✨ again.
📝 Note: the CSS has already been written! You just need to change the classes!
You already have the buttons and the functions to change the theme of the Switch.
- Create a new state called theme. It's initial state should be "light".
- Inside the className attribute, change the "light" hardcoded class name for the value of the theme state.
💡 Hint: if you use { } to write the className, you can use the string interpolator... it's plain JavaScript...😉
If you get really stuck with this part, click here to check the solution
<div className={`switch ${theme}`}>
- Then, each one of the functions, setDarkTheme and setLightTheme should change the theme state to "dark" or "light"
Happy console.logging ⚛️