This is your change to review everything we have done so far in module 3, PLUS you will have a really good to-do app to go back to in your future endeavours.
This app was created with create-react-app
, so just run:
npm install
npm run start
Remember that you have all the lessons recorded in case you need to get over any concept again. This is your chance to really solidify the knowledge you have about React.
Try to do your best: puma mode ON 🐆
Create a separate TaskCard
component and use it to render all the tasks it on App.jsx
. The card for each task should be nice and display all the information of the card.
🚧 Styles are not a bonus, they are a MUST! 🚧
This time, you will work desktop-first: display the cards with display: flex and present them nicely.
Create the functions you need on TaskCard
and on App.jsx
to delete tasks when clicking the delete button.
Create a separate SearchBar
component and send the value to the App.jsx
to filter the tasks shown.
Create a separate NewTask
component with all the fields necessary to create a new task. Save the information in the component's state, and lift the state to the parent App.jsx
to add the new task.
Create a function handleUrgency
. Then, add a button on top of your App.jsx
page that will order the tasks displaying the most urgent first.
Add as many features as you wish to make sure you win this fierce puma competition. Get inspired and do whatever comes to mind: add amazing styles, make it responsive, add more functionalities / more complex tasks (you can edit the task fields if you want)... get inspired 💡!