A new promise (and future) in C++ 11
Advanced promise with map, flat map and chain ability.
Promise can be resulted async, and its then callback also be runned in other thread
std::string str = "mahdi";
auto/*== std::shared_ptr<Promise<int>>*/ p = Promise<int>::createPromise(
[str](PromiseResolver<int> pr) {
dispatcher->dispatch([&, pr, str]// dispatch a task on other thread
auto resolver = const_cast<PromiseResolver<int>&> (pr);
try {
int n = syncTask2(str);// process on str that we wnat to run on other thread
catch (std::exception ex)
resolver.tryError(std::make_shared<std::exception >(ex));
p->then([](int result){
std::cout<<"result in then 1 :"<<res<<std::endl;// this thread may be different from thread that creates and sets result
->then([](int result){
std::cout<<"result in then 2 :"<<res<<std::endl;// this thread may be different from thread that creates and sets result but as same as recent then
->failure([](std::shared_ptr<std::exception> ex) {
std::cerr<<"ex: "<< ex->what()<<std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<Promise<std::string>> p2 = p->map<std::string>([](int result){
return std::bitset<8>(result).to_string(); // convert an int to binary
p2->then([](string result){
std::cout<<"binary of result of p is :"<<res<<std::endl;
std::shared_ptr<Promise<std::string>> tempTask3(int a) {// do syncTask1 async
// doing a task async and returning promise
return Promise<std::string>::createPromise(
[a](PromiseResolver<std::string> pr) {
dispatcher->dispatch([&, pr, a]
auto resolver = const_cast<PromiseResolver<std::string>&> (pr);
try {
std::string s = syncTask1(a);
catch (std::exception ex)
resolver.tryError(std::make_shared<std::exception >(ex));
}, "asyncTaskPromise1");
std::cout<<"hello "<<std::endl;
std::vector<Promise<std::string>::Supplier> list;
for (int i=0;i<4;i++)
return tempTask3(i)->then([i](std::string a){
std::cout<<"binary of "<<i<<" is: "<<a<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"here all tasks is done!"<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"world! "<<std::endl;
/** output is:
binary of 0 is: 00000000
binary of 1 is: 00000001
binary of 2 is: 00000010
binary of 3 is: 00000011
here, all tasks are done!
Full example is here
#include <iostream>
#include <Promise.h>
#include <future>
#include <zconf.h>
#include <bitset>
std::string syncTask1(int a){ // calculate binary of int by string
sleep(2);// simulate time consuming
return std::bitset<8>(a).to_string();;
int syncTask2(std::string str){ // calculate the size of a string
sleep(3);// simulate time consuming
return str.size();
std::shared_ptr<AsyncDispatcher> dispatcher = std::shared_ptr<AsyncDispatcher>(new AsyncDispatcher);
std::shared_ptr<Promise<std::string>> tempTask1(int a) {// do syncTask1 async
// doing a task async and returning promise
return Promise<std::string>::createPromise(
[a](PromiseResolver<std::string> pr) {
dispatcher->dispatch([&, pr, a]
auto resolver = const_cast<PromiseResolver<std::string>&> (pr);
try {
std::string s = syncTask1(a);
catch (std::exception ex)
resolver.tryError(std::make_shared<std::exception >(ex));
}, "asyncTaskPromise1")
std::shared_ptr<Promise<int>> tempTask2(std::string str) { //do syncTask2 async
// doing a task async and returning promise
return Promise<int>::createPromise(
[str](PromiseResolver<int> pr) {
dispatcher->dispatch([&, pr, str]
auto resolver = const_cast<PromiseResolver<int>&> (pr);
try {
int n = syncTask2(str);
catch (std::exception ex)
resolver.tryError(std::make_shared<std::exception >(ex));
}, "asyncTaskPromise2")
std::shared_ptr<Promise<std::string>> tempTask3(int a) {// do syncTask1 async
// doing a task async and returning promise
return Promise<std::string>::createPromise(
[a](PromiseResolver<std::string> pr) {
dispatcher->dispatch([&, pr, a]
auto resolver = const_cast<PromiseResolver<std::string>&> (pr);
try {
std::string s = syncTask1(a);
catch (std::exception ex)
resolver.tryError(std::make_shared<std::exception >(ex));
}, "asyncTaskPromise1");
int main() {
(std::shared_ptr<AsyncDispatcher>(new AsyncDispatcher));
auto p = tempTask3(10)->then([](std::string res){
std::cout<<"then 1, res: "<<res<<std::endl;
})->then([](std::string res){
std::cout<<"then 2, res: "<<res<<std::endl;
})->then([](std::string res){
std::cout<<"then 3, res: "<<res<<std::endl;
})->then([](std::string res){
std::cout<<"then 4, res: "<<res<<std::endl;
})->then([](std::string res){
std::cout<<"then 5, res: "<<res<<std::endl;
->flatMap<int>([](std::string res) {
std::cout<<"flatMap 1: "<<res<<std::endl;
return tempTask2(res);
})->then([](int a){
std::cout<<"then 6, a: "<<a<<std::endl;
->failure([](std::shared_ptr<std::exception> ex){
std::cerr<<"fail 1, what: "<<ex->what()<<std::endl;
})->then([](int a){
std::cout<<"then 7, a: "<<a<<std::endl;
})->chain<std::string>([](int a){
std::cout<<"chain1: "<<a<<std::endl;
return tempTask3(a);
p->then([](int a){
std::cout<<"then 8, a: "<<a<<std::endl;
p->failure([](std::shared_ptr<std::exception> ex){
std::cerr<<"fail 2, what: "<<ex->what()<<std::endl;
auto p2 = Promise<int>::success(100);
auto p3 = p2->then([](int a){
std::cout<<"then 9, a: "<<a<<std::endl;
})->flatMap<std::string>([](int a){
std::cout<<"flatMap 2: "<<a<<std::endl;
return tempTask3(a);
})->then([](std::string res){
std::cout<<"then 10, a: "<<res<<std::endl;
std::cout<<"hi !!!!"<<std::endl;
while(true) {
return 0;
and its result is:
hi !!!!
then 9, a: 100
flatMap 2: 100
then 1, res: 00001010
then 2, res: 00001010
then 3, res: 00001010
then 4, res: 00001010
then 5, res: 00001010
flatMap 1: 00001010
then 10, a: 01100100
then 6, a: 8
then 7, a: 8
chain1: 8
then 8, a: 8