# Download repository:
git clone https://github.com/vedees/webpack-template webpack-template
# Go to the app:
cd webpack-template
# Install dependencies:
npm install
# Server with hot reload at http://localhost:8081/
npm run dev
# Output will be at dist/ folder
npm run build
- main app HTMLsrc/scss
- put custom app SCSS styles here. Don't forget to import them inmain.js
- the same as above but CSS here. Don't forget to import them inmain.js
- put images here. Don't forget to use correct path:assets/img/some.jpg
- put custom app scripts heresrc/index.js
- main app file where you include/import all required libs and init appsrc/components
- folder with custom.vue
- app store for vuestatic/
- folder with extra static assets that will be copied into output folder