There are 5 planned components to this project:
Front-End (React)
- Run using yarn start from solar-front directory
- This will be available on http://localhost:3000
Back-End (Node.js)
- Run using nodemon index.js from solar-back directory
- This will be available on http://localhost:4000/
Firmware (C++/Arduino)
- Run BarebonesAPI.ino from solar-firm in the Arduino IDE
- The IP address changes per network and can be found in the serial monitor
- To upload code to connected ESP, unplug RX connection (plug in after upload complete)
- Call for test data
Database (MongoDB)
Real-Time Operating System
- Used for running the BMU (Battery Management Unit) for the solar panels
- Context switching between 6 tasks
- Fixed-Priority Premptive Scheduling
- Blocking sempahores
- Mutex's with owner test on release and priority inheritance