Django app that makes it possible to execute commands through your web browser. It uses bootstrap v3 to give the interface a better look. Commands are run through the Celery - Distributed Task Queue, which allows us to manage execution and return and data with ease.
[bool] COMMANDS_ASYNC_LIST (default: False)
[str] COMMANDS_ASYNC_LOGIN_URL (default: settings.LOGIN_URL)
List with commands that should be ignored. [runserver, shell, etc]. An error will be shown to the user when the command is in that list.
The user who will perform tasks must have this permission. It does not need to be configured, but if configured, the user will need to have this permission to execute commands. An error message will be shown to the user if he does not have this permission.
urlpatterns.append(url(r"^app/", include('commands_async.urls')))
In browser: http://localhost:8080/app/commands/async