Tags: alexanderKoltman/wahlzeit
Toggle adap-hw13's commit message
Describes three collaborations
Toggle adap-hw12's commit message
Traces and document the instantiation process of Flower and FlowerPhoto
Toggle adap-hw11's commit message
Applies the Type Object pattern to class model
Toggle adap-hw10's commit message
Documents five design pattern instances with annotations
Toggle adap-hw09's commit message
Turns the Coordinate classes into value object classes
Toggle adap-hw08's commit message
Add error and exception handling
Toggle adap-hw07's commit message
Adds assert statements and assertion methods for preconditions and po…
…stconditions. Also implements an assertClassInvariants method
Toggle adap-hw06's commit message
Introduces an abstract superclass 'AbstractCoordinate'
Toggle adap-hw05's commit message
Adds a Coordinate interface to Wahlzeit and adjusts build.gradle with…
… new version for appEngine
Toggle adap-hw04.1's commit message
Adjusts ModelMain by init FlowerPhotoFactory
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