A web-based toolbox that contains some useful small tools.
fragmject is a learning project prepared for Kotlin and Jetpack Compose. | fragmject 是一个为初学者准备的上手项目。 通过对 Kotlin 和 Compose 的系统运用,实现的一个功能完备符合主流市场标准 App。 fragmject 没有复杂的业务和多余的封装, 完全依照 Android Develope…
🎨 《重学Java设计模式》是一本互联网真实案例实践书籍。以落地解决方案为核心,从实际业务中抽离出,交易、营销、秒杀、中间件、源码等22个真实场景,来学习设计模式的运用。欢迎关注小傅哥,微信(fustack),公众号:bugstack虫洞栈,博客:
Android background process keep-alive, prevent uninstallation, anti-uninstall, background pop-up activity. The latest Android high-availability black-tech application keep-alive for 2024, achieving…
🗡️ 云阅:一款基于网易云音乐UI,使用玩Android Api,Retrofit2 + RxJava2 + Room + MVVM-databinding架构开发的Android客户端
🌏 WebView 全方面使用,JS交互、进度条、上传图片、错误页面、视频全屏播放、唤起原生App、获取网页源代码、被作为第三方浏览器打开、DeepLink、[腾讯x5使用示例]
ThingsBoard Mobile Application
Android App update library. Android版本更新库,简单、轻量、可随意定制
A Flutter plugin that allows you to add an inline webview, to use a headless webview, and to open an in-app browser window.
The Android Browser Helper library helps developers use Custom Tabs and Trusted Web Activities on top of the AndroidX browser support library.
An open-source ChatGPT app with a voice
The simplest way to create progressive web apps across platforms and devices. Start here. This repo is home to several projects in the PWABuilder family of tools.
使用WebView作为界面的Android项目模板(Web界面使用Vite和Vue 3构建)
Native Android WebView App Template with Loader (Progressbar).
Simple Android PDF viewer based on pdf.js and content providers. The app doesn't require any permissions. The PDF stream is fed into the sandboxed WebView without giving it access to content or fil…
Web App Api for android easier request your Api and supports for using (CORS)
AgentWeb is a powerful library based on Android WebView.
Display H5P content without the need for an H5P server
🍒 Web server and web framework of Android platform.
A Codova plugin to play video with the native MediaPlayer on Android devices.