An introduction to HTML5, CSS3, and Ruby.
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There are lots of good resources on the web, feel free to google. I like for reference, as well as
I'll probably be using the Bootstrap CSS framework to make it easier to visuall style the apps that we write in class.
For a cool reminder of the difference between CSS and HTML, try
See the Bootstrap Grid Cheat Sheet in this repository.
From your command line:
ruby {filename}
You can also use the irb
interactive utility to run Ruby expressions one at a time.
The two main containers we will use in this class are Arrays and Hashes.
Links to official documentation:
For arrays, the most common methods are:
- count
- size
- each
- first
- last
- sort
- map
- select
- empty?
- shuffle
- sample
For hashes:
- keys
- values