- Catalonia, Spain, Europe
BSBoilerPlate Public
Blazor Server Boiler Plate
PDFeSignHandwritten Public
Windows executable for sign a PDF with a certificate and a hanwritten signature
SearchOnSharesFromHost Public
Search files on all shares from a host
BlazorDungeon3D Public
A 3D old style dungeon game developed with Blazor Server
CleanArchitectureWithBlazorServer Public
Forked from neozhu/CleanArchitectureWithBlazorServerThis is a repository for creating a Blazor Server dashboard application following the principles of Clean Architecture
BlazorVoxelSpace Public
Blazor port of Voxel Space. Voxel terrain engine.
jpgvbnet Public
VB.NET native jpg decoder
PayPalWebFormsVB Public
PayPal template checkout page. With ASP.NET WebForms and ASMX Webservices.
BlazorDungeon Public
Multiuser Dungeon game implemented in Blazor
OctGL Public
Monogame Octree Graphics Library