#ten20 Tile Server
Generates map tiles on the fly from Mapnik XML or serves tiles from an mbtiles file.
ten20tileServer generates map tiles on the fly from Mapnik XML or serves tiles from an mbtiles file. ten20tileServer is a simple Express based wrapper around [tilelive.js] (https://github.com/mapbox/tilelive.js) library.
Uses leaflet compabtilble {z}/{x}/{y} tile scheme
By default: http://localhost:7777/v2/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}.png
npm install -g ten20-tile-server
ten20-tile-server --url mapnik:///home/alex/Documents/mapbox-osm-bright-86bc63f/build/ten20.xml
ten20-tile-server --url mbtiles:///home/alex/Documents/MapBox/tiles/ten20.mbtiles