Lists (11)
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A unified interface to immune deconvolution methods (CIBERSORT, EPIC, quanTIseq, TIMER, xCell, MCPcounter) and mouse deconvolution methods
A full-featured & carefully designed adaptive prompt for Bash & Zsh
A beautiful and useful low-latency prompt for your shell, written in go
A C++ drop-in replacement of FastQC to assess the quality of sequence read data
Molecular Diagnosis (MD) of Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL): An integrative ALL classification system based on RNA-seq.
An open-source software to help in designing NGS panels
Fast, efficient RNA-Seq metrics for quality control and process optimization
AmpliCI, a model-based algorithm for denoising Illumina amplicon data.
bioinf-mcb / DeepFRI
Forked from flatironinstitute/DeepFRIDeep functional residue identification
A cross-platform, efficient and practical CSV/TSV toolkit in Golang
CLEAN: a contrastive learning model for high-quality functional prediction of proteins
PSAURON is a machine learning model for rapid assessment of protein coding gene annotation
Python library to handle Gene Ontology (GO) terms
A quality control analysis tool for high throughput sequencing data
🚀 LiftOn: Accurate annotation mapping for GFF/GTF across assemblies
HERRO is a highly-accurate, haplotype-aware, deep-learning tool for error correction of Nanopore R10.4.1 or R9.4.1 reads (read length of >= 10 kbps is recommended).
paoloshasta / shasta
Forked from chanzuckerberg/shastaDe novo assembly from Oxford Nanopore reads.
Tool for globally phasing diploid assembly graphs with orthogonal data
Detecting multi-genome synteny using minimizer graph mapping
Identify and find telomeres, or telomeric repeats in a genome.
Generate an interactive dot plot from mummer or minimap alignments
Creating a simple Docker image to help perform comparisons for FASTQ compression