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  1. Musical_Analysis Musical_Analysis Public

    A flask-zappa deployed website for studying music attribute relationships using highly interactive visualizations.

    Jupyter Notebook

  2. sabrinawjo/Music_ML sabrinawjo/Music_ML Public

    An updated version of the Musical Attributes Analysis project website. Introduced machine learning technology for k-means clustering and track recommendation output.

    Jupyter Notebook 1 1

  3. Jersey-City-Citybike-Analysis Jersey-City-Citybike-Analysis Public

    A Tableau visual analysis for Citibike's station usage in Jersey City for the year 2020

  4. exoplanets-machine-learning exoplanets-machine-learning Public

    An experimentation using machine learning models to discover exoplanets. Random forest and SVM models were fine-tuned to find the best predictions on possible exoplanet locations.

    Jupyter Notebook

  5. Latitude-vs-Weather-website Latitude-vs-Weather-website Public

    A website designed for displaying the analysis of how latitude affects weather. Using Python, data from the OpenWeatherMap API was queried for analysis.


  6. Earthquake-Analysis Earthquake-Analysis Public

    Uses GeoJSON from USGS to visualize earthquake locations, depths and magnitudes using Leaflet.
