The WARA for Software is a planned WASP research arena. Its goals are to
- Foster collaboration between software technology and software engineering researchers and WASP industrial partners
- Provide a research focus for WASP software technology and software engineering researchers
- Provide resources for software technology and software engineering researchers, especially students
- Support Open Source software through
- Analysing and improving selected Open Source software projects
- Contributing Open Source software development tools
- Understanding strengths and limitations of existing tools and processes in the Open Source development process
Software artifacts collected and curated for further software research
- Maven Dependency Graph: Snapshot of the whole Maven Central taken on September 6, 2018, stored in a graph database
- Static usages of popular Maven APIs: static usages of API elements of any version of the 99 most used maven artifact, by any of its client on Maven Central.
- Dataset of diffs 50k one-line diffs from 18 open-source projects to study software evolution
- Dataset of continuous integration builds 35+ Millions of Travis jobs
- VoTE: Formal Verification of Tree Ensembles