##Getting started
Atom is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "Atom"
Define and enum, containing all possible events with parameters, e.g.
enum Event: AtomEvent {
case AddTodo(name: String)
case ToggleTodo(key: Int)
For each state implement AtomState protocol - define parentClass
and impelement react
functions, e.g.
struct Todo: AtomState {
var name: String
var checked: Bool
typealias EventType = Event
static var parentClass: AtomNode.Type = App.self
static func react(optionalCurrent: Todo?, event: EventType) -> Todo {
guard var current = optionalCurrent else { return initial() }
switch event {
case .ToggleTodo:
current.checked = !current.checked
return current
static func initial() -> Todo {
return Todo(name: "", checked: false)
In addition to AtomState
methods, Root State implement AtomRoot protocol, i.e. must hold a static
instance of itself, e.g.:
struct App: AtomState, AtomRoot {
typealias EventType = Event
static var instance = App.initial()
static var parentClass: AtomNode.Type = App.self
var todos: [Todo]
static func react(optionalCurrent: App?, event: Event) -> App {
guard var current = optionalCurrent else { return App.initial() }
switch event {
case .AddTodo(let name):
let todo = Todo(name: name, checked: false)
return current
case .ToggleTodo(let key):
current.todos[key] = Todo.react(current.todos[key], event: .ToggleTodo(key: key))
return current
static func initial() -> App {
return App(todos: [])
Define global Atom class implementing AtomProtocol
and use it to dispatch events:
class Atom: AtomProtocol {
typealias RootType = State.App
Now you can use Atom class to dispatch events, e.g. Atom.dispatch(Event.AddTodo(name: titleTextField.text ?? ""))
- Add logging as a middleware
- Add time machine screen (i.e. view controller with all states history and ability to rollback states)
- Add router
- Add props change strategies
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
State is the minimal required data to reconstruct the whole state of the app. State is constructed to be as close to view model as possible
Event is the simple change of state
Action emits one or more events. Every state change is made by actions
Props are the viewmodel required to render a view (including that of viewcontroller)
Transform state into props. The simpiest transformer just selects a part of the state relevant for the current view.
Alexey Karasev, [email protected]
Atom is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.