A small type-safe client for making GraphQL requests over HTTP and server-sent events
npm i @alexfigliolia/graphql-client
# or
yarn add @alexfigliolia/graphql-client
import { GQLRequest } from "@figliolia/graphql-client";
const fetchData = () => {
return GQLRequest<QueryOrMutation, Variables>({
url: "/graphql",
query: "query-document",
variables: {}
fetchFN: fetch, /* optional fetch function */,
errorHandling: "first", /* first | all */
// this option optionally throws only the first error
// in the graphql errors array if you get tired of
// traversing the array for only the first item
import { GQLClient } from "@figliolia/graphql-client";
const client = GQLClient<QueryOrMutation, Variables>({
url: "/graphql",
query: "query-document",
variables: {}
// Send the request
// Optionally abort the request
// Optionally send the request again
import { GQLSubscription } from "@figliolia/graphql-client";
const subscription = GQLSubscription<Subscription, Variables>({
url: "/graphql",
query: "subscription-document",
variables: {}
// subscribe to incoming data
subscription.onData(data => {});
// subscribe to incoming errors
subscription.onError(error => {});
// unsubscribe
// unsubscribe and close the SSE connection