A small package used to visualise community-structured networkx graphs.
Layout of communities individually, with communities themselves arranged according to their inter-links, allows far faster visualisation of large graphs.
Note: This is an early version, and usage will likely be changed as new functionality is added.
The layout class is accessed via:
from community_layout.layout_class import CommunityLayout
Position calculation is during __init__
After __init__
, CommunityLayout(G).full_positions
is an dictionary of keys corresponding to node positions, as in networkx layout algorithms.
Basic usage is as follows:
import networkx as nx
from community_layout.layout_class import CommunityLayout
G = nx.gnm_random_graph(2000, 40000)
layout = CommunityLayout(G)
pos = layout.full_positions
There are several parameters that can be changed by the user:
community_compression = 0.25,
layout_algorithm = nx.spring_layout,
layout_kwargs = {"k":75, "iterations":1000},
community_algorithm = community.louvain_communities,
community_kwargs = {"resolution":2})
These are designed to work with networkx functions, but custom functions will work assuming similar syntax and that they return the same objects.
can also be a list of pre-determined communities, ie ["community_1":{"node_id1", "node_id2",...}, "community_2":{"node_id3", "node_id4",...}]
controls the scale compression of individual community sub-layouts.
Lower values will result in each community occupying smaller portions of the overall layout.
Optionally we also include figure plotting:
layout.display(colors = None,
bundle = False,
complex_alphas = True,
ax = None)
Which, if passed ax = matplotlib.Axes
, returns the same. If no Axes
is passed, it saves a .png
in the working directory and calls plt.show()
Note: Edge bundling is currently a much heavier process than the community layout process.
Requires the packages numpy
, pandas
, tqdm
, scipy
and networkx
to be installed.
is required for figure plotting. Edge bundling requires datashader
and scikit-image