- The e-BayNeRD model is an enhanced version of the BayNeRD (Bayesian Network for Raster Data) model, which was developed by Mello et al (2013):
MELLO, M. et al. Bayesian Networks for Raster Data (BayNeRD): Plausible Reasoning from Observations. Remote Sensing, v. 5, n. 11, p. 5999–6025, 15 nov. 2013. link
- The implemented improvements are described in the following conference paper:
SILVA, A. C. O.; MELLO, M. P.; FONSECA, L. M. G. Enhancements to the Bayesian Network for Raster Data (BayNeRD). XV Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics (2014). Proceedings of the Brazilian Symposium on GeoInformatics, Campos do Jordão, São Paulo, Brazil. link
- To cite the e-BayNeRD model, please refer to the following papers
SILVA, A. C. O.; FONSECA, L. M. G.; KORTING, T. S.; ESCADA, M. I. S.. A spatio-temporal Bayesian Network approach for deforestation prediction in an Amazon rainforest expansion frontier. Spatial Statistics, v. 35, p. 100393, mar. 2020. link
SILVA, A. C. O.; FONSECA, L. M. G.; KORTING, T. S.. Bayesian network model to predict areas for sugarcane expansion in Brazilian Cerrado. Brazilian Journal of Cartography (2017), Nº 69/5, Special Issue GEOINFO 2017: 857-867. Brazilian Society of Cartography, Geodesy, Photgrammetry and Remote Sense ISSN: 1808-0936. link
- Papers that employed the e-BayNeRD model:
NG, W. T. et al. Ensemble approach for potential habitat mapping of invasive Prosopis spp. in Turkana, Kenya. Ecology and Evolution, v. 8, n. 23, p. 11921–11931, 2018. link
To run the e-BayNeRD model:
- Download the e-BayNeRD.r file to your working folder.
- In the RGui, set the working folder:
- And run the following command to activate the e-BayNeRD menu in R (as highlighted in the image below).