Unit tests for PrestaShop 1.5.x
PsUnit aims to create a suite of unit tests for PrestaShop 1.5.x
PrestaShop code is really hard to test, because it uses a lot of static methods, singletons, and global variables.
PsUnit tries to enable / simplify testing PrestaShop's code by providing utilities / best practices to mock any application-wide component, or simulate a situation.
This project is also here to highlight where and how to refactor PrestaShop.
To run the project you will need to have PHPUnit and Mockery installed via PEAR.
Edit the bootstrap.php file to specify the installation directory of PrestaShop. By default it should be located in ../prestashop.
In the PsUnit directory, execute the command below
phpunit --verbose --process-isolation --bootstrap bootstrap.php ./tests/