by Alessandro Mauro - - [email protected] (c) 2014
Released under GPLv3 license (see file 'COPYING')
What is this:
Allow many users (as many as the access point let connect, usually from 20 to 250) to score/rate something/someone through their smartphones, and simple web page. A QT desktop application is used to manage the whole system. The web server must be installed in addition to the app to get the system work.
Web server with PHP support
Wifi local lan with IPv4 class-C addresses dhcp (ip is used to identify each user) -> max 253 users
Qt to compile project
Qt application must have r/w access to web server folder
DISCLAIMER: this system is intended for NON PROFESSIONAL, DOMESTIC use. Since it has "game" purposes, it does not have security shields.
Qt desktop application manages the entire polling process.
- creates the index.php file in the web server directory
- the php script allows users to vote: their score is stored in a folder, one file for each user the filename is created from the latter number of the ipv4 address.
- the qt app polls the folder and reads the files
- when the polling is closed the qt app removes all vote files and changes the index.php
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