Inspired by the great work of aidengilmartin / speedtest-to-influxdb
Clone this repo onto your destination server and cd into the directory
cd cryptorates2influxdb/
Make the Python script executable
chmod +x
Create the database in InfluxDB
> CREATE DATABASE <database name>
> CREATE USER "<username>" WITH PASSWORD '<your password>'
> GRANT ALL ON "<database name>" to "<username>"
> quit
Make the corresponding changes at the top of the Python script:
# InfluxDB Settings
DB_ADDRESS = os.environ.get('DB_ADDRESS', '<IP addresss or localhost>')
DB_PORT = os.environ.get('DB_PORT', 8086)
DB_USER = os.environ.get('DB_USER', '<username>')
DB_PASSWORD = os.environ.get('DB_PASSWORD', '<password>')
DB_DATABASE = os.environ.get('DB_DATABASE', '<database name>')
The script assumes a continuous run - and does not depend on any cron job. You need to run it in the background.
To run it in the background - and also to capture the log output in a file - execute the following:
nohup python3 -u ./ > cryptorates-output.log &
To check if all is OK test if the script is actually running:
- Check if the process has started:
ps aux | grep python3
You should see python3 -u ./
- Check if the cryptorates-output.log file was generated and contains some initial output:
cat cryptorates-output.log
You should see at least the following:
Info : 23/08/2021 10:20:50 : CoinGecko Data Logger to InfluxDB started
Info : 23/08/2021 10:20:50 : DB initialization complete
...and perhaps the below too:
Info : 23/08/2021 10:21:15 : API call to CoinGecko successful
Info : 23/08/2021 10:21:15 : Data written to DB successfully
If all is good the last thing to check is InfluxDB that it actually contains the data captured.
> USE <database name>
> SELECT * FROM crypto_rates WHERE time > now() - 1h
> quit
You should see at least 1 entry, along the lines of:
name: crypto_rates
time bitcoin data_source ethereum
---- ------- ----------- --------
1629881504405913061 47658 coingecko 3141.67
That's it.
Tested on a Raspberry Pi 4 Model B running Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) with
- Python 3.7.3
- InfluxDB v1.8.9 (git: 1.8 d9b56321d579)