App Engine application for the Udacity training course.
- Update the value of
to the app ID you have registered in the App Engine admin console and would like to use to host your instance of this sample. - Update the values at the top of
to reflect the respective client IDs you have registered in the Developer Console. - Update the value of CLIENT_ID in
to the Web client ID - (Optional) Mark the configuration files as unchanged as follows:
$ git update-index --assume-unchanged app.yaml static/js/app.js
- Run the app with the devserver using DIR
, and ensure it's running by visiting your local server's address (by default localhost:8080.) - (Optional) Generate your client library(ies) with the endpoints tool.
- Deploy your application.
#---- Task1 ----#
Enpoint API added: (1) createSession: create new session. typeOfSession is a Enum value defined in Open to only the conference organizer. (2) getConferenceSessions: get all sessions for given conference. (3) getConferenceSessionsByType: get all sessions for one sessionType for given conference (4) getSessionsBySpeaker: get all sessions by using speakerUserId (email).
Implementation of session and speaker. Session is a app engine date-store kind. Speaker re-uses the Profile kind to store the necessary information. (1) Session: name: name of the session. Required parameter. highlights: list of strings. speakerName: string speakerUserId: speaker email duration: integer, representing hours. typeOfSession: enum value. Available values (NOT_SPECIFIED, Workshop, Discussion, Lecture, Keynote) date: In "%Y-%m-%d" format. startTime: datetime.time(). In "%H:%M:%S" format. confWebSafeKey: parent conference websafe key. creatorUserId: creator userid (email). Same as the conference userid. (2) Speaker: re-uses the Profile kind to store the necessary information, includes speakerUserId (Profile.mainEmail) and speakerName (Profile.displayName)
#---- Task2 ----#
Endpoint API added: (1) addSessionToWishlist: add one session to user's SessionWishList. Session websafe key is a query parameter. (2) deleteSessionInWishlist: delete one session from user's SessionWishList. Session websafe key is a query parameter. (3) getSessionInWishlist: get all sessions in user's SessionWishList.
Comment: modify the Profile kind property by adding sessionsWishList property.
#---- Task3 ----#
Endpoint API added: (1) updateSession: update session information by using session websafe key as query parameter. (2) deleteSession: delete session from database. (3) querySessionsByTypeByStartTime: query all sessions by typeOfSession and startTime. In the request, given the disallowed typeOfSession and preferred earliest startTime and latest startTime to filter the results.
Comments about querySessionsByTypeByStartTime: app engine does not allow multiple inequality filters on different property. But we can solve the problem by using one equality filter and one inequality filter. Because typeOfSession is a enum value, by excluding the disallowed session types, we can use equality filter to get sessions for allowed session types. Then using inequality filter to query session in startTime range.
#---- Taks4 ----#
Endpoint API added: (1) getFeaturedSpeaker: get latest feature speaker from memcache. memcache key is 'FSP_'+websafeConferenceKey. websafeConferenceKey is a query parameter. If not such entry existed, return a blank response.
Comment: In this project, I modify the createSession endpoint by adding a new task in taksqueque. Task executing url is '/tasks/cache_feature_speaker' which defeined in Every time when a new session created, url handler will check if the sessoin speaker is also the speaker in other session in this conference. If the speaker does, he/she will store in memcache as feature speaker.