Space Adventure is a game based on space invaders and created with Pygame library.
To play the game, use :
to move left,RIGHT ARROW
to move right,SPACE
to shoot enemies
Install Python and pygame ==>
pip install pygame==2.0.1
Clone and copy this repository
$ git clone
I started this project when I saw the demonstration from attreyabhatt. I studied his project) and created my own version. 😃 !
The architecture is similar, but I implemented several new features, which changed the code a lot:
- Layout - New Images, Sounds and Background Music
- Sizes - ider window and different sizes for the player and enemies
- Enemies - I included a another list of enemies. In my game there are two groups: comets and ets (foreign spaceships)
- flip() - Instead of creating a second PNG image file for the comet, I used pygame. transform. flip() function. This function has three parameters: the Surface object with the image to flip, a Boolean value to do a horizontal flip, and a Boolean value to do a vertical flip. Since the comet has a tail, this function allows it to flip to the right and to the left and it hits the border.
- You Win - When the player shoots 30 enemies, he or she wins. To celebrate the vitory, I included a vitory background to replace the main backkground.
- bitwise XOR (^) - Since in my game there are two lists of enemies (comets and ets), it was necessary to create two sets of collision. Thus, a Bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) was necessary when checking the collision. Without it, the collision wasn't beeing properlly recognized.