This game is a reproduction of the game called Crazy Arcade designed by Nexon.
Main language is c++, ide vs2019, game engine is cocos2dx.
If you want to play this game, just choose the game package and run Bubble.exe.
If you want to compile this project, please create a cocos2dx project and replace all the package with the same name.
In the package src is the source code of this project.
AppDelegate.h and AppDelegate.cpp are the entry of a cocos2dx project.
StartLayer.h and StartLayer.cpp are the welcome UI of the project.
EndLayer.h and EndLayer.cpp are the end UI of the project.
MapLayer.h and MapLayer.cpp are the game scene of the project.
player.h and player.cpp are the design of class player.
main.h and main.cpp are the main code to start the project.