Tags: aligermiyanoglu/fastlane
Improvements * Allow pilot to work with multiple iTunes Providers via :dev_portal_team_id option https://github.com/fastlane-old/pilot/releases/tag/1.8.0
Improvements * Allow deliver to work with multiple iTunes Providers via :dev_portal_team_id option https://github.com/fastlane-old/deliver/releases/tag/1.12.0
Improvements - Make `determine_version` a class method - Improved unit tests https://github.com/fastlane-old/fastlane_core/releases/tag/0.45.0
Improvements * Improve reset_simulators behavior when making a phone-watch pair https://github.com/fastlane-old/snapshot/releases/tag/1.12.3
Improvements * Fixed a scan crash for OS X projects * Made junit result parsing more robust, to deal with additional properties, orders https://github.com/fastlane-old/scan/releases/tag/0.7.1
Improved setting of changelog Make it more clear on how a changelog is set Added new `skip_waiting_for_build_processing` option https://github.com/fastlane-old/pilot/releases/tag/1.7.0
[match] Version bump (fastlane#4809) Prepare new release for fastlane#4808
Improvements * Update slather action with new commands (fastlane#4825) * Show message when trying to enable or disable the crash reporter (fastlane#4805) * Updated internal dependencies to fix an issue with WWDR certificates * Fixed an issue with local plugins not being able to access `Helper.log` * Convert `copy_artifacts` action to `FileUtils` (fastlane#4654) https://github.com/fastlane/fastlane/releases/tag/1.91.0