Complete version of the list in the form of a course Contact me via Telegram
- ARC, memory, strong weak unowned, management issues
- Stack VS Heap, Stack Promotion, Boxing of Swift Value Types
- Memory layout in Swift (Highly recommend)
- Advanced iOS memory management
- Capture list
- Autorelease
- unsafe_unretained
- Memory leaks
- Manual memory management
- NSOperation
- GCD with examples
- Concurrency Programming Guide
- Parallel programming with swift
- Threading Programming Guide
- Concurrency pitfalls
- Avoiding race conditions
- Thread safety in iOS to avoid race conditions/deadlock
- Managing Your App's Life Cycle
- Application life cycle in iOS
- Relationship between UIApplication, UIApplicationDelegate, UISceneDelegate
- Service-Oriented Architecture
- Modular architecture
- ?Implementing VIPER architecture
- Design Patterns
- Cocoa Design Patterns
- Protocol and Value oriented programming in UIKit Apps
- Github repo showing SOLID principles
- SOLID in Swift
- DI
You need to be able to write a small test (possibly refactor the code prior to implementing the test).
Further material is not asked in the interview, but nice to know
- What is a library
- Static and dynamic frameworks
- CocoaPods Under The Hood
- Carthage or cocoapods
- Binary Frameworks in Swift
- Xcode build system
- A dive into Xcode projects and workspaces
- Xcode concepts
- Managing different Environments using XCode Build Schemes and Configurations
- Distribution
- Hopefully, you found the following material useful. It will always be open to improvement. If you find a great material that you think is frequently asked on the interviews, do not hesitate to submit a PR.
- You find a broken link, please, contact me on one of socials below or drop an issue on the repo!
📩 - [email protected]