is a event-driven incremental SAX parser for your LLM interaction/orchestration needs.
- No tool-calling APIs necessary
- No frills - just pure text parsing
- Prompt generator for your custom XML tags
Head over to the docs for more information.
npm install saxamll
import { getText, XMLNodeDescription, SaxaMLLParser } from "saxamll";
First, define an XML description.
const classificationTag = new XMLNodeDescription({
tag: "classification",
description: "Put 'positive' if the text inside '<sentence></sentence> tags is positive. Put 'negative' if the text is negative"
input: "<sentence>I'm eating lobsters and I'm so happy.</sentence>",
output: "<classification>positive</classification>"
This generates a description of the <classification> tags.
const classificationDescription = classificationTag.getPrompt();
const saxParser = new SaxaMLLParser();
When </classification> is encountered, we will save the text
inside the <classification> tags inside `response`.
let response;
saxParser.executor.upon('tagClose').for(classificationTag).do((node: XMLNode) => {
response = getText(node);
Parse the input all at once
console.log(response); // "positive"
Or, parse in an online fashion
const streamExample = [
for (let delta of streamExample) {
console.log(response); // "positive"
- Lapin uses SaxaMLL under-the-hood to create dynamic UI.