This code was built using Python and R to web scrape dividends from Funds from B3 stock exchange. The script in a jupyter notebook.
The main purpose of this code was automate my daily tasks.
In order to use it, you will need a csv file containing the links of the annoucements you want to scrape just like the SAMPLE_COTISTAS file I have attached on this project.
How does it work? Well, the code loops through each link, opening the annoucement, taking a screenshot and saving on your current directory as pdf. (using webshot library from R) Next, it will read each PDF and extract the tables on it. (Tabula package Python) Finally, I did a little bit of Data Cleaning and Data Modelling using Pandas.
This my first web scrapping project. If you have any suggestions how it could be improved I would love to hear! Thanks and I hope it helps you somehow :) Aline.