The goal of rfinance is to provide a user-friendly suit of tools to perform financial analysis on R.
You can install the released version of rfinance from CRAN with:
Let's say that you want to download all historic prices from a given company. get_prices()
will let you do just that and get it stored in a data.frame
. You just need to specify the symbol. In the case of this example, Microsoft's symbol is MSFT
df <- get_prices(symbol = 'MSFT')
In most financial analysis, the financial statements released by firms are arguably the more important variables, and the harder to get.
provies a set of functions to get the different financial statements of any public company.
msft_statements <- get_statements("MSFT")
At this point it'd be natural to ask yourself what companies are available for this. rfinance
includes a function to check just that. get_tickers()
will give you an array of all the symbols available in the API.
symbols_list <- get_tickers()