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Technologies Used:

JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX, BootStrap, HTML5, SASS + CSS3, cURL

Project Links

Client (Front End) - Deployed Client | GitHub Client Repo

API (Back End) - Deployed API | GitHub API Repo


BitStash is an online storage solution that allows you to upload files you have on your personal computer to a remote server for access from anywhere in the world! Users can create an account, and privately upload personal files of any type to the cloud, where they can then access them with a web browser.

In this version, we have limited the size of a file upload to 10MB.

This app was created by Fernando Donaire, Ted Cart, Shaun White, and Will Bounas.

Future Iterations

  • Add drag-and-drop functionality when uploading a file
  • Allow users to create and edit their own tags for files
  • Provide an option to easily copy a link to the shared file on a user's clipboard for simple sharing with friends + family
  • Add search functionality for user's files stored on BitStash

User Stories

EPIC: As a user, I want to manage files on an online file system.

  • As a user, I want to be able to upload a file into the online file system
  • As a user, I want to be able to delete a file from the online file system
  • As a user, I want to see all of my files on the online file system
  • As a user, I want to be able to update the name of a file I've uploaded on the online file system
  • As a user, I want to be able to download all of my files on the online file system
  • As a user, I want to be able to view a file uploaded to the online file system in my browser window, without needing to download
  • As a user, I want to see meta data such as date uploaded for all the files I have uploaded on the online file system
  • As a user, I want a single tag appended to all of my files, telling me what type of file this is