A tool for evaluating the accuracy of extracting metadata from research papers.
./meta-eval.sh --input <dir> --truth <dir> --output <dir>
points to a directory of predicted labels (see below for format description)--truth
points to a directory of true labels (defaults tosrc/main/resources/gold/acl
points to a directory where the output report will be saved (defaults tooutput
The input/truth directories should each contain a set of files named <field>.txt
where <field>
is the name of a metadata field, e.g. titleExact for the exact title string or titleNormalized
for the normalized title string. A metadata field can be multi-valued, e.g. for authors. Files with the
same name in the input/truth directories will be compared against each other to compute a precision/recall
number for that metric. The format of a label file is tab-separated:
<paper-id> <value1> <value2> ...
where any number of values can be listed, each separated by a tab.
Note that paper PDFs can be downloaded via
e.g. http://ai2-s2-pdfs.s3.amazonaws.com/3bc4/6849083e55e690fb3e2b8e3a18b3adc19a32.pdf
A precision/recall number will be computed for each paper that appears in either the predictions or the truth file for a field. The truth file yields a set of string values for each paper, and the predictions file yields a set of string values. The precision is the ratio of the size of the intersection between the true and predicted values to the number of predicted values. The recall is the ratio of the size of the intersection to the number of true values. Either precision or recall may be undefined if there are no predicted values or no true values.
The overall precision/recall number is the average precision/recall value over all papers in which the precision/recall is defined.
The program creates a PR.txt
file with the overall precision/recall number for each metadata field.
It also creates a details
directory with information about individual examples contained in files named
. The files have a tab-separated format:
<paper-id> <accuracy> <type> <value>
where each predicted/true value for a paper is listed on a separate line.
is true if the value exists in the truth file or pred if it exists in the predictions fileaccuracy
is 1 if the value is in the intersection between truth and predictions and 0 otherwisevalue
is the value of the field
Thus, [type=true, accuracy=0] indicates a recall error, while [type=pred, accuracy=0] indicates a precision error.
Truth files for acl
and dblp
datasets are in src/main/resources/gold
Prediction files for some baseline models (grobid, scienceParse, and scienceParse-highP) on those datasets
are in src/main/resources/baseline
You can generate goaccuracy numbers for a baseline model against a gold dataset with
./meta-eval.sh --truth src/main/resources/gold/<dataset> --input src/main/resources/baseline/<dataset>/<model>