Tags: allex/popper-core
Merge pull request floating-ui#1193 from piecyk/feat/round-option
Merge pull request floating-ui#1185 from ktmouk/fix-root-node-ie11 Fix: IE11 does not support getRootNode
Merge pull request floating-ui#1166 from atlas-Fox/properly-check-for… …-shadowdom Properly check if we're inside Shadow DOM
Merge pull request floating-ui#1164 from popperjs/dependabot/npm_and_… …yarn/bl-4.0.3
Merge pull request floating-ui#1177 from popperjs/fix/patch-package fix: npm/yarn installation issue due to postinstall script
Merge pull request floating-ui#1162 from hipstersmoothie/master restructure to make library more tree-shakable without importing built code
Merge pull request floating-ui#1147 from atomiks/fix/reference-scroll… …Parent fix: exclude self as scrollParent
Merge pull request floating-ui#1144 from atomiks/fix/ts-paths fix: paths for ts generation
Merge pull request floating-ui#1123 from atomiks/fix/containing-block fix: detect containing block