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Starred repositories
Software for fast file transfer between terminals in the same network segment.同网段中终端间快速互传文件
Fork自Google开源的Android串口通信Demo,修改成Android Studio项目
Android real-time display control software
Complete Android build environment for PJSIP with OpenSSL, OpenH264, Opus and G.729
Code for the manim-generated scenes used in 3blue1brown videos
P2P Voice/Video phone App for local networks.
an android APP implement video call base on LAN with UDP.一个基于局域网UDP的实时视频显示androidAPP
📲 Android Video SDK. Stream's versatile Core + Compose UI component libraries that allow you to build video calling, audio room, and, live streaming apps based on Webrtc running on Stream's global …
🍀 HuLa is a desktop instant messaging app built on Tauri+Vue3 (not just instant messaging)
🚨️ ugit helps undo git commands. Your damage control git buddy. Undo from 20+ git scenarios.
RootEncoder for Android (rtmp-rtsp-stream-client-java) is a stream encoder to push video/audio to media servers using protocols RTMP, RTSP, SRT and UDP with all code written in Java/Kotlin
Wrap a standalone FFmpeg binary in an intuitive Iterator interface. 🏍
Windows system utilities to maximize productivity
SRT/RTMP/RTMPS live streaming libraries for Android
Open Source Autonomous Software Development System