Contains all un-versioned sections of the documentation
Important: do NOT change the content of themes/camunda
directory directly! Instead, Change the theme.
In order to build this documentation, you first need to install hugo v0.50 (newer versions may work).
See the hugo installation guide for more details on howto install Hugo.
After you have installed hugo, you can build the docs by typing the following command:
A static build of the documentation will be placed in the public/
While editing the docs, you probably want to start the hugo server (defaults to "watch mode"):
hugo server --baseUrl="http://localhost"
You can then browse the docs under http://localhost:1313/. Hugo will automatically detect when you change a file and refresh the page in the browser.
Edit the file config/banners.html
add or remove a div with the attribute data-banner
This is an example of a blockquote-style, html based banner. It will be visualized with a bar on the left.
<div data-banner>
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Check out our <a href="">open positions</a>.