This project was built using Hapi.js and PostgreSQL. This project implements industry standard restful API application development best practices. Among them is Automation Testing, Clean Code, Security and CI & CD on deployment. The project using some AWS Service like EC2, S3, RDS and etc. The project base on second submission Dicoding Course: Menjadi Back-End Developer Expert
- Node / Hapi.js
- PostgreSQL
- Redis
- Message Broker (RabbitMQ)
- Data Validation (Joi)
- using Github Action on CI & CD
- S3 Bucket to collect images
- EC2
- RDS Database
- Authentication and Authorization using JWT
- Adding new Note
- Getting all Notes
- Getting detail Note
- Implement collaboration to another user on Notes
- Export Notes to JSON and send it to email
- Uploads Image to S3 Bucket