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A "gstreamer-like" C++ framework for ffmpeg/libav graphs with support of async processing and lock-free queue


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avplumber - make your own libav processing graph

avplumber is a graph-based real-time processing framework. Graph can be reconfigured on the fly using a text API. Most nodes are based on FFmpeg's libavcodec, libavformat & libavfilter. You can create entire transcoding & filtering chain in it, replacing FFmpeg in many use cases.

avplumber was created because we were experienced with FFmpeg and wanted to have its features, plus more flexibility. For example, it is possible to:

  • encode once and send encoded packets to multiple outputs.
  • filter video (using FFmpeg's filter graph syntax) in multiple threads. It is possible since FFmpeg 6.0, but we needed this feature long before its release.
  • maintain output timestamps continuity and audio-video synchronization even when input timestamps jump.
  • insert fallback slate ("we'll be back shortly") when input stream breaks.

Furthermore, it was designed to allow easy prototyping of new video & audio processing blocks (nodes in graph) without writing so much boilerplate code that is needed in case of libavfilter or GStreamer.

So does it replace FFmpeg in all use cases? Not at all. It is targetted at live use - currently it can't seek the input at all. Also, subtitles aren't supported due to limitations of the underlying library - avcpp.

Quick start

Make sure to clone this repo with --recursive option.

git clone --recursive
docker build -t avplumber .
docker run -p 20200:20200 avplumber -p 20200

or if you don't want to use Docker but have Ubuntu:

apt install git gcc pkg-config make cmake libavcodec-dev libavdevice-dev libavfilter-dev libavformat-dev libavutil-dev libswresample-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libboost-thread-dev libboost-system-dev libssl-dev
make -j`nproc`

and in a different terminal:

nc localhost 20200

and you can type some commands (see Control protocol) or paste a script (e.g. from examples/ directory)

Development on Windows

Development on Windows can be done using Docker and VSCode Dev Containers.

  1. Enable symbolic links by following these steps.
  2. Clone this repo git clone --recursive
  3. Open it in VSCode
  4. Open Command Palette and run Dev Containers: Reopen in Container command

Development container comes with all required dependencies and clangd installed.


To quickly run demo with FFmpeg test source, use the provided Docker Compose file:

script=remux_analyze_audio.avplumber docker compose -f examples/compose/rtmp_test_source.yml up

After Docker pulls and builds everything, you should see stream statistics JSON lines, once per second.

Output stream will be available at rtmp://localhost/live/output

Change script to complicated_transcoder.avplumber to test transcoding.

This demo uses MediaMTX as streaming server.

Running Docker on recent Mac OSX versions

brew install docker docker-compose colima
colima start

Using as a library

avplumber can be built as a static library: make static_library will make libavplumber.a which your app or library can link to. library_examples/obs-avplumber-source/CMakeLists.txt is an example of CMake integration.

Public API is contained in src/avplumber.hpp.

Example: library_examples/obs-avplumber-source - source plugin for OBS supporting video decoder to texture direct VRAM copy.

Developing custom nodes

See doc/


An avplumber instance consists of a directed acyclic graph of interconnected nodes.

Edges = queues

Nodes in the graph are connected by edges. Edge is implemented as a queue. queue.plan_capacity can be used to change its size. Type of data inside queue is determinated automatically when the queue is created.

Data types:

Some nodes support multiple input/output types - they work like templates/generics in programming languages (and are implemented this way). If the data type can be deduced from source or sink edges, there is no need to provide it explicitly. But if it can't be, use template syntax in type field of the node JSON object:


for example:



Some nodes require that other node implementing specific features (an interface) is placed before (up) or after (down) it:

  • input before demux
  • mux before output
  • video format metadata source before enc_video. It can be dec_video, assume_video_format, rescale_video or filter_video
  • FPS metadata source before enc_video, extract_timestamps and filter_video. It can be dec_video, force_fps, filter_video or sentinel_video
  • audio metadata source before enc_audio and sentinel_audio. It can be dec_audio, assume_audio_format or filter_audio
  • time base source before bsf, enc_video, enc_audio, extract_timestamps, filter_video, filter_audio, sentinel_video, sentinel_audio. It can be assume_video_format, assume_audio_format, dec_video, dec_audio, filter_video, filter_audio, force_fps, packet_relay or resample_audio
  • encoder (enc_video/enc_audio), bsf or packet_relay before mux

Control methods

avplumber is controlled using text commands on TCP socket, so it can be controlled manually using netcat or telnet. --port argument specifies the port to listen on.

--script argument specifies commands to execute on startup.

Control protocol

Control protocol loosely follows MVCP.

On new connection, server (avplumber) sends a line: 100 VTR READY

Client issues a command followed by arguments separated by spaces and ending with the new line character. The last argument may contain spaces.

Server (avplumber) responds with line with status code and information:

  • 200 OK - command accepted, empty response
  • 201 OK - command accepted, response will follow and an empty line marks the end of response
  • 400 Unknown command: ...
  • 500 ERROR: ...
  • BYE and connection close - special response for bye command



Replies with HELLO


Replies with app version and build date


Closes the connection

Nodes management & control

node.add { ...json object... }

Add node

node.add_create { ...json object... }

Add and create node (without starting it right now)

node.add_start { ...json object... }

Add, create and start node

node.delete name

Delete node

node.start name

Start node

node.stop name

Stop node (auto_restart action is inhibited)

node.stop_wait name

Stop node, return reply when node really stopped

node.auto_restart name

Stop node and trigger its auto_restart action. This command is probably most useful for restarting input after changing its URL, with confidence that it will be handled the same way as if the previous input stream finished. And unlike retry group.restart ..., nothing blocks! See also more experimental node.interrupt.

node.interrupt name

Stop node even if it is being constructed right now. Also, bypass any locks. Currently only input node supports this command. After interruption, auto_restart action will be triggered.

node.param.set node_name param_name new_json_value

Change node parameter. Equivalent in JavaScript: node['param_name'] = JSON.parse('new_json_value'). WARNING: Node won't accept new parameters until restarted.

node.param.get node_name

Get whole node JSON object, for example:

node.param.get encode720

node.param.get node_name param_name

Get single parameter as JSON. Example:

node.param.get encode720 group

node.object.get node_name object_name

Get object from node. Example:

node.object.get input streams
201 OK

node.object.get input programs
201 OK

Queues (edges)

queue.plan_capacity queue_name capacity

Plan capacity of queue (which must be created after issuing this command). capacity is positive integer. Warning: moodycamel::ReaderWriterQueue (the library we use for queues) forces the queue size to be the smallest 2^n-1 (n=integer) larger or equal to specified capacity.

Default capacity can also be changed - use * as a queue_name, e.g. queue.plan_capacity * 7


Print (human-readable) statistics of queues (graph edges). Example:

[#...................]  1821.1  videoin
[....................]  243265  aenc1
[....................]  243265  aenc0
[....................]  243265  aenc2
[....................]  243265  mux2
[#####...............]  243265  aenc
[....................]  1821.03  audioin
 ^                      ^         ^
 queue fill             last PTS  queue name

queue.drain queue_name

Wait until queue is empty.


group.restart group

group.stop group

group.start group

Raw outputs

output.start output_group

output.stop output_group

realtime nodes team

Manually trigger reset of a realtime team.

Playback control

pause team_name now

Tell all pause nodes in a team team_name to pause (stop passing packets)

pause team_name at timestamp

Tell all pause nodes in a team team_name to pause (stop passing packets) at specified timestamp. Timestamp may be expressed in many forms like: 01:02:03 (hh:mm:ss), 01:00.150 (mm:ss.millis), 12000 (time expressed in ms), 2024-10-03T08:12:44.100 (wallclock time, ISO 9601 format with optional milliseconds).

resume team_name

Tell all pause nodes in a team team_name to resume playback

seek team_name live

Flush all queues between the input nodes and the nodes in a team_name team and seek to live video. Live wideo is a video playback from recording which is still recorded. It is delayed 10 seconds after current time.

seek team_name now timestamp

Flush all queues between the input nodes and the nodes in a team_name team and seek to given timestamp. Timestamp may be expressed in many forms like: 01:02:03 (hh:mm:ss), 01:00.150 (mm:ss.millis), 12000 (time expressed in ms), 2024-10-03T08:12:44.100 (wallclock time, ISO 9601 format with optional milliseconds).

seek team_name at timestamp_when timestamp_to

Flush all queues between the input nodes and the nodes in a team_name team and seek to given timestamp_to when playback time reaches timestamp_when. Multiple seek at commands may be specified and it will executed in order of adding. Timestamp may be expressed in many forms like: 01:02:03 (hh:mm:ss), 01:00.150 (mm:ss.millis), 12000 (time expressed in ms), 2024-10-03T08:12:44.100 (wallclock time, ISO 9601 format with optional milliseconds).

seek team_name clear

Clears seek at queue.

speed.set team_name speed

Set speed of the speed nodes belonging to the team team_name to speed (float).

speed.get team_name

Get current playback speed of the team team_name.

Hardware acceleration

hwaccel.init { "name": "name", "type": "type" }

Init hardware accelerator which may be used for encoding, decoding or filtering video frames.

  • name - identifier, supports global objects syntax (@). If accelerator with given name already exists, it isn't touched and no error is returned.
  • type - currently only cuda is supported


stats.subscribe { ... json object ... }

Subscribe to statistics. JSON object structure:

  "url":"",         // URL to put statistics using HTTP POST. Empty to write them to console.
  "name":"qwerty",  // opaque
  "interval":1,     // refresh interval, in seconds
        "q_pre_dec":"audioin",    // name of queue before decoder (kbitrate, speed, AV_diff are taken from it)
        "q_post_dec":"a10",       // name of queue after decoder (fps, width, height, pix_fmt, field_order, samplerate, samplerate_md, channel_layout are taken from it)
        "decoder":"Audio_Decode"  // name of decoder node (codec, type are taken from it)
  "sentinel":"Video_Sentinel"  // name of sentinel node (card flag is taken from it)


event.on.node.finished event_name node_name

When node finishes, signal (wake up) an event event_name

event.wait event_name

Wait for event event_name

Special commands

retry command arguments ...

Repeat command until it succeeds. Intended for startup scripts (--script). Not recommended for remote control.

detach command arguments ...

Return 200 OK immediately, run command in background thread.

Node object

Each node is described by a JSON object consisting of the following fields:

  • name (string without spaces) - optional, specifies identifier that can be later used for controlling the node
    • if specified, must be unique within the instance
    • if unspecified, the string type@memory_address will be generated and used
  • type (string) - mandatory
  • group (string) - used for grouping together nearby nodes. Example: transcoder that will have separate input and output groups so that when input URL is changed, only demuxer and decoders will be restarted, not encoders and muxer.
  • auto_restart (string) - optional:
    • off (default) - let the node stop without restarting
    • on - restart single node when it finishes/crashes
    • group - restart the whole group to which the node belongs
    • panic - when the node finishes/crashes, shutdown the whole avplumber instance
  • src (string for single-input nodes, list of strings for multi-input nodes) - source edge
  • dst (string for single-output nodes, list of strings for multi-output nodes) - sink edge
  • optional (bool) - optional: when creating the node fails:
    • true - ignore exceptions (return 20x) and pretend nothing bad happened
    • false (default) - fail the whole operation (e.g. starting a group)

Most nodes have also their specific parameters which are specified on the same level as the fields above.

Non-blocking nodes

Some node types are non-blocking, which means that there is no separate thread to run the node, but it processes data in an event-based manner, which is configurable using the following fields:

  • event_loop (string, name of instance-shared object) - name of the event loop, if not specified, default event loop will be used. Each event loop works in a separate thread.
  • tick_source (string, name of instance-shared object) - name of the tick source. If not specified, node will work in tickless manner, waking up only when necessary (e.g. a node above in graph has put some data into queue). On the other hand, if this field is specified, the tick source will wake up the node at regular intervals synchronized to some external clock. This reduces latency and jitter. Currently useful only in OBS avplumber plugin - specify obs as a tick_source to synchronize a non-blocking node to the video mixer's FPS.

The tick source has its own event loop (or may even bypass it and call the node in its own thread to reduce latency) so you can't specify both event_loop and tick_source.

Example JSON syntax for fields

  • string: "string"
  • string of URL: "protocol://domain/path"
  • string of rational: "30000/1001" (so-called 29.97 fps)
  • list of strings: ["string1", "string2", "string3"]
  • dictionary (also known as map): {"key1":"value1", "key2":"value2"}
  • bool: true or false
  • int: 31337
  • float: 1337.42
  • name of an instance-shared object: "object"
  • name of a global instance-shared object: "@global_object"

Node types


1 output: av::Packet

  • url (string of URL)
  • options (dictionary) - options for libavformat
  • timeout (float, seconds) - packet read timeout
  • initial_timeout (float, seconds) - URL open timeout
  • preseek (float, seconds, default 0) - how many seconds to preseek back to increase chance of finding a keyframe, when seek to timestamp ( command) is requested


Rate limit output packets/frames to wallclock. This way, DTS (in packets) or PTS (in frames) differences will equal wallclock differences at this node's sink.

Also, allows inter-stream synchronization (as long as timestamps in them are synchronized) and automatic flushing if too much data is buffered in queues before this node.

This node is non-blocking.

1 input, 1 output: anything

  • leak_after (float, seconds) - if specified, bypass rate limiting after having input packets available immediately (in other words, at least one packet was always enqueued) for specified time. Intended for segmented inputs for which realtime node is useful to prevent bursts, while we don't want clock drift problems and missed segments in long running streams.
  • speed (float) - default 1, implemented by scaling wallclock's timebase (millisecond precision) so values between ~0.9995 and ~1.0006 are treated as 1.
  • tick_period (string of rational, seconds) - if specified and tick_source is also specified, anti-jitter filter will be enabled, assuming that tick source emits a tick every tick_period. Generally should be set to 1/FPS, e.g. 1/60. The filter maintains its own clock independent of wallclock, but will resync to the wallclock if it drifts too much. If unspecified, wallclock will be used.
  • set_pts (bool, default false) - set PTS to wallclock timestamps corresponding to time when packets are outputted (or, more precisely, when they would be outputted if there was no jitter)

Input tolerance parameters:

  • negative_time_tolerance (float, seconds) - default 0.25. Do not resync if newly arrived packet should have been emitted at most that much time in the past. 0 to disable and always resync in such situation - effectively increasing latency until sufficient buffering for smooth output is achieved.
  • negative_time_discard (float, seconds) - if specified, if newly arrived packet should have been emitted at least that much time in the past, discard this packet. Discarding has lower priority than resyncing (negative_time_tolerance), so the value must be less than negative_time_tolerance to make sense, equal or higher values disable discarding.
  • discontinuity_threshold (float, seconds) - default 1. If we need to wait for more than specified time, treat as discontinuity and resync. Default value may be unsuitable (too small) for multiple source synchronization in case more data is buffered.
  • jitter_margin (float, seconds) - default 0. When (re)syncing, add this value to the time to be waited. This prevents frequent resyncing and visible jitter at the cost of higher latency. It makes sense only with unbuffered output (e.g. display)
  • initial_jitter_margin (float, seconds) - default = jitter_margin. jitter_margin to use for the first frame received after node start, after discontinuity or after leak_after-triggered bypass, but not after "negative time to wait (...), resyncing"

Inter-stream synchronization parameters:

  • team (string, name of instance-shared object) - if specified, realtime nodes with the same team will cooperate to have their output synchronized. Use only if timestamps are synchronized.
  • master (bool) - default true. Only masters are allowed to resync in case of discontinuity. A team can have multiple masters.

Automatic flushing parameters (experimental):

  • input_ts_queue (string, name of queue) - which queue should be treated as the beginning of buffering chain. Usually should be set to the output of the demuxer. If unspecified, automatic flushing is disabled.
  • intermediate_queues (list of strings) - list of intermediate queues that will be examined whether they contain packets
  • max_buffered (float, seconds, default 5.5) - start flushing when the buffering chain has more than this amount buffered (calculated as difference between timestamp of last packet inserted into the input_ts_queue and timestamp of the frame coming to this node)
  • min_buffered (float, seconds, default 0.5) - stop flushing when the buffering chain has less than this amount buffered, or input_ts_queue and intermediate_queues are all empty

For each passing packet, time to wait is computed (how long should we sleep before outputting that packet, to maintain realtime output rate) and different actions are performed based on its value

  • if timeToWait <= 0:
    • if timeToWait < -negative_time_tolerance:
      • resync and emit packet
    • else if timeToWait < -negative_time_discard:
      • discard this packet
    • else: /* -negative_time_discard <= timeToWait <= 0 */
      • emit packet immediately
  • else: /* timeToWait > 0 */
    • if timeToWait < discontinuity_threshold:
      • normal behavior - wait timeToWait and emit packet
    • else: /* timeToWait >= discontinuity_threshold */
      • resync and emit packet

Note: This pseudocode omits leak_after logic.

Recommended options for encoding from segmented input (HLS, DASH):

  • speed: 1.01
  • leak_after: segment length * 2

Recommended options for displaying live video:

  • negative_time_tolerance: 0.001 - 0.02 depending on clock precision of your system
  • jitter_margin: 0.1 or some more


1 input, many outputs: av::Packet

  • streams_filter (string): if present, filter input streams according to ffmpeg syntax (for example "p:1" to select Program 1 - useful for HLSes) before parsing routing keys
  • routing (dictionary of string => string): stream mapping, keys are streams in input file, values are queues, like { "v:0": "videoin", "a:0": "audioin" }, used instead of dst
    • keys may be prefixed with ? to indicate optional input (ignore the route if stream not found)
  • wait_for_keyframe (bool): default false, discard packets until a keyframe appears in any video stream

dec_video, dec_audio

1 input: av::Packet, 1 output: av::VideoFrame or av::AudioSamples respectively

  • codec (string) - optional, codec name, auto-detected by libavcodec if not specified
  • codec_map (dictionary of string => string) - optional, use specified decoder for matching stream's codec, for example to use cuvid for h264 and hevc streams: "codec_map": {"h264": "h264_cuvid", "hevc": "hevc_cuvid"}
  • pixel_format (string) - optional, if unspecified, libavcodec and/or codec will select best possible pixel format for given input stream. As seen in pix_fmt field of FFmpeg's AVPacket, so it doesn't have to be any real pixel format (e.g. yuv420p) but can also be hardware acceleration specification (e.g. cuda)
    • if starts with ?, prefer specified pixel format, e.g. ?cuda, but allow use of any
    • if doesn't start with ?, force specified pixel format, fail if it's incompatible with codec or stream
  • hwaccel (string, name of instance-shared object) - optional, name of hwaccel previously created with hwaccel.init
  • hwaccel_only_for_codecs (list of strings) - use hwaccel only for specified input stream codecs, useful because apparently setting hw_device_ctx in normally-software libavcodecs triggers frame corruption bugs
  • options (dictionary) - optional, options passed to libavcodec


Set PTS to timecode from video frame's side data.

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame

  • team (string, name of instance-shared object) - if specified, multiple extract_timestamps and extract_timestamps_slave nodes within the same team will share the same offset, so streams not containing timecode side data (e.g. audio) will be synchronized to the same timecode, too (as long as their PTSes are synchronized to each other).

  • passthrough_before_available (bool) - default false, meaning that processing will be blocked (and input queue will grow) as long as timecode isn't available. If true, frames will be passed through with PTS unchanged in such case.

  • drop_before_available (bool) - discard incoming packets before timecode is available. Disabled by default. Has lower priority than passthrough_before_available.

  • timecodes (list of strings), default ["S12M"] - side data to get timecodes from. If specified timecode doesn't exist, next one in the list is tried. Possible items:

    • S12M.1 or S12M - SMPTE 12M = SEI
    • S12M.2
    • S12M.3
    • GOP
  • liveu (bool, default false) - workaround for LiveU-encoded SMPTE 12M. Treat drop bit as a part of frames field.

  • frame_rate_source (string) - timecodes have frame numbers, so to calculate PTS from them, number of frames per second must be known. Possible values:

    • fps - default. Use FPS from nearest node implementing IFrameRateSource (decoder, filter or force_fps)
    • timebase - use 1/timebase from nearest node implementing ITimeBaseSource (decoder, filter or force_fps)

    both values may yield the same or different results depending on input stream. Some video streams are generated by skipping every second frame from higher FPS stream, with S12M side-data preserved in remaining frames. In such cases fps is wrong and timebase is correct.


Set PTS to timecode extracted by extract_timestamps node.

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame or av::AudioSamples

Supports parameters working the same as in extract_timestamps node:

  • team - mandatory
  • passthrough_before_available
  • drop_before_available

filter_video, filter_audio

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame or av::AudioSamples, respectively

  • graph (string) - FFmpeg filter graph
  • hwaccel (string, name of instance-shared object) - optional (mandatory for some filters), name of hwaccel previously created with hwaccel.init

speed_video, speed_audio

Change timestamps so that playback speed changes in real-time.

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame or av::AudioSamples, respectively

  • team (string, name of instance-shared object, default "default") - team name that will be used for changing the speed using speed.set command
  • discard_when_speed_changed (bool, default false) - discard frames when speed isn't equal to 1. Intended for audio streams.
  • timebase (string of rational) - optional, if specified, will scale incoming timestamps to this timebase. Otherwise original timebase will be preserved. To get as smooth output as possible, set it to your native output timebase (1/fps).


Stop passing through frames/packets and resume on request (pause, resume commands).

1 input, 1 output: anything

  • team (string, name of instance-shared object, default "default") - team name that will be used for control


Duplicate and drop frames to achieve requested FPS

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame

  • fps (string of rational) - target FPS as a string, e.g. 25 or 30000/1001

assume_video_format / assume_audio_format

Set initial metadata to allow nodes that rely on them to start when real metadata aren't available yet.

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame or av::AudioSamples

Parameters for video:

  • width (int) - default 1920
  • height (int) - default 1080
  • pixel_format (string) - default yuv420p
  • real_pixel_format (string) - specify only if pixel_format is hardware-accelerated (e.g. cuda)

Parameters for audio:

  • sample_rate (int) - default 48000
  • sample_format (string) - default s32p
  • channel_layout (string) - default stereo

sentinel_video / sentinel_audio

A sentinel

  • guards streams against wild timestamps - PTSes jumping forward or backward, or repeating timestamps
  • inserts backup frames when input signal is not available for specified time:
    • in audio stream: silence
    • in video stream, for maximum time of freeze parameter: repeated last frame
    • in video stream: custom slate, can be used for adding "we'll be back shortly" card

Sentinel's output has "ideal" timestamps with tolerance specified in sentinel's parameters. In other words, it ensures output stream continuity.

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame/av::AudioSamples

  • timeout (float, seconds) - default 1, seconds to wait for input frame before inserting frozen or backup frame

  • correction_group (string, name of instance-shared object) - optional, defaults to "default", used for sharing the clock between streams

  • forward_start_shift (bool):

    • true: if input streams are present when starting the sentinels, forward relative shifts of their first packets (i.e. A-V offset) to output.
    • false (default): start all output streams at exact PTS = 10 seconds (hardcoded in PTSCorrectorCommon class)
  • max_streams_diff (float, seconds) - default 0.001, tolerance in seconds

  • start_ts (float, seconds) - default 10, first output timestamp

  • lock_timeshift (bool) - after receiving first PTS, maintain constant input-output PTS difference. Disabled by default. Enable only if you're sure that input timestamps are synchronized to real-time clock.

  • reporting_url (optional, string of URL) - if specified, correction time shift changes will be reported to this URL as HTTP POST with JSON body:


    • changed_at - output timestamp of the change relative to first output PTS (output_pts_offset)
    • input_pts_offset - what sentinel needs to add to input timestamp to achieve output PTS, minus output_pts_offset
    • output_pts_offset = first output PTS, constant through processing, changeable using start_ts parameter

For video only:

  • freeze (float) - default 5, seconds to duplicate last good frame before outputting backup frame
  • backup_frame (string of URL) - backup frame (slate) image
  • backup_picture_buffer (string, name of instance-shared object) - read backup frame (slate) from this buffer. Use picture_buffer_sink to write frame to the buffer. Sentinel will reload the slate from the picture buffer every 64 frames and on every input signal break triggering slate insertion.
  • initial_picture_buffer (string, name of instance-shared object) - initialize last frame buffer with this buffer, so that at the beginning of stream it will be used for at most freeze duration. Useful to insert black frame instead of slate at the beginning when forward_start_shift is set to false. If unspecified, regular backup_frame or backup_picture_buffer will be used.

For sentinel_video, either backup_frame or backup_picture_buffer must be provided.


Dynamic video scaler, maintains constant output dimensions and pixel format even if input stream changes parameters. Does not resample FPS (see force_fps node)

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame


Dynamic audio resampler, maintains continuity of output stream even if input stream changes parameters.

1 input, 1 output: av::AudioSamples

  • dst_sample_rate (int)
  • dst_channel_layout (string)
  • dst_sample_format (string)
  • compensation (float)
    • 0 (default) means brutal compensation using built-in avplumber's sample dropping algorithm
    • any negative value means brutal compensation using libswresample, may not work correctly
    • positive value between 0 and 1 means soft compensation using libswresample, value means fraction of samples to compensate, may not work correctly


1 input, multi outputs: anything

  • drop (bool) - drop packets if output queue is full, disabled by default


Set keyframe flag in frame to make encoder output keyframe. Unlike -g encoder option in FFmpeg, works with non-integer FPS.

1 input, 1 output: av::VideoFrame

  • interval_sec (int / float / string of rational) - keyframe interval, in seconds

enc_video, enc_audio

Encodes video or audio frames.

1 input: av::VideoFrame or av::AudioSamples, 1 output: av::Packet

  • codec (string) - mandatory
  • options (dictionary) - options passed to libavcodec
  • hwaccel (string, name of instance-shared object) - optional (mandatory for some encoders), name of hwaccel previously created with hwaccel.init
  • timestamps_passthrough (bool) - default false, intended for codecs that don't buffer data (otherwise bad things like repeated timestamps may happen), replace PTS & DTS in outgoing packet with incoming PTS


Insert it between demuxer and muxer to remux packets without transcoding.

1 input, 1 output: av::Packet

no parameters


BitStream filter

1 input, 1 output: av::Packet

  • bsf (string) - name of bsf to use


multiple inputs, 1 output: av::Packet

  • fix_timestamps (bool) - shift PTSes and DTSes so that DTSes are always increasing and (PTS >= DTS). Disabled by default.
  • ts_sort_wait (float, seconds) - default 2.5, maximum time to wait for all streams to select the packet with least DTS. Set to 0 to emit packets as soon as they arrive.


1 input: av::Packet

  • format (string) - mandatory
  • url (string of URL) - mandatory
  • options (dictionary) - format options that will be passed to libavformat
  • seek_table (string of file name) - if specified, binary file with native endianness with seek table will be written.
  • seek_table_text (string of file name) - if specified, text file with seek table will be written.

Format of binary seek table: 16-byte records containing:

  • timestamp of the frame in milliseconds: int64_t
  • bytes offset in the output file: uint64_t

Format of text seek table: values as above separated by space, each record in one line


1 input: av::AudioSamples (sample format must be fltp, sample rate must be equal to JACK's)

Output audio to JACK Audio Connection Kit server. Can be used for both inter-app routing and outputting audio to the sound card. Note that JACK has its own clock (soundcard clock or in case of dummy device - OS monotonic clock) so in long running streams underruns or overruns may occur, unless the stream's clock and JACK clock are synchronized (for example, input is AES67 RTP and the hardware audio interface is synchronized to AES67 master clock using wordclock or S/PDIF).

Both sample format and sample rate must match configuration of the JACK server (sample format is always fltp in JACK). Use resample_audio node to convert.

This node has an internal buffer to ensure that JACK thread can run in real time. In case of bursty streams (e.g. coming from the Internet) this buffering may be insufficinent. The realtime node with a small negative_time_tolerance (below JACK period size) will help in such cases.

  • channels_count (int, default 2) - number of JACK ports to create. If incoming audio stream has less channels, the remaining ones will be filled with silence. If more, the excessive channels will be discarded.
  • port_prefix (string, default empty string) - if specified, will append channel index to this string and it'll become the JACK port name. If unspecified, JACK port name will be only the channel index.
  • connect_port_prefix (string) - if specified, will append port number to this string and try to connect to an input port with that name in the JACK graph
  • client_name (string) - mandatory, name of the JACK client. If multiple jack_sink nodes are created with the same client name, ports will belong to the same JACK client (make sure to set port_prefix in such cases). If they have different client names, multiple JACK clients will be created. What is better depends on the use case - multiple JACK clients allow parallel processing but put more overhead on the CPU.


Write stream of raw packets or frames to file or pipe. Unlike output node, can be used anywhere in graph. Outputs whatever will be thrown on it. Use nodes rescale_video or resample_audio to convert to required format.

1 input: anything

  • path (string) - file/pipe name, not URL, must be reachable via Unix file structure, libavformat protocols like tcp:// aren't supported
  • output_group (string) - default "default". Name of output group for control (see output.start and output.stop commands) and synchronization. Since raw output doesn't have PTSes, avplumber will try to synchronize audio with video by cutting first audio frame to make it start together with first video frame.


Take a frame and write it to picture buffer that can be later used by sentinel_video.

1 input: av::VideoFrame

  • buffer (string, name of instance-shared object) - mandatory, picture buffer name
  • once (bool) - default true, finish after getting a single frame


Discards incoming packets just like /dev/null.

1 input: anything

no parameters


Get video frames from CUDA IPC memory. Frame pointer and parameters are read from named pipe. See src/nodes/cuda/ipc_cuda_source.cpp for structure.

1 output: av::VideoFrame (frame's pixel format will always be cuda)

  • pipe (string) - mandatory, path to named pipe
  • hwaccel (string, name of instance-shared object) - mandatory, name of hwaccel previously created with hwaccel.init


Get audio frames from named pipe. See src/nodes/ipc_audio_source.cpp for header structure. Header must be followed by interleaved audio samples.

1 output: av::AudioSamples

  • pipe (string) - mandatory, path to named pipe


Enabled only if avplumber is compiled with BUILD_TYPE=Debug. Delay packets or frames for a random time. Timestamps aren't modified. Delay will be gradually decreased down to 1ms if a congestion is detected.

1 input, 1 output: anything


Enabled only if avplumber is compiled with BUILD_TYPE=Debug. Delay packets or frames for specified time. Timestamps aren't modified.

1 input, 1 output: anything

  • delay (float) - mandatory, delay in seconds

Instance-shared objects

Some nodes (sentinel, realtime) can have shared state. It's stored in instance-shared objects. Other nodes (encoder, filter) need the instance-shared object created (hwaccel.init) before it's used in them.

If a name of an instance-shared object starts with @, it is global in process address space. If not, its scope is limited to avplumber instance.

In case of avplumber launched as a standalone process, instance==process and using global objects doesn't have any benefit.

In case of avplumber used as a library, each AVPlumber object is an avplumber instance. Global objects can be used to share state between nodes of different instances as long as they're within the same operating system's process.

Seeking infrastructure & playback control (experimental)

Despite the architecture initially being designed solely for handling live streams, latest updates to avplumber bring playback control support.

Seeking is complicated because queues need to be flushed to ensure that user doesn't have to wait for them to drain after requesting a seek. Also, we want to display frame after seek even when the player is paused. That's why seek commands ( and seek.bytes) need the name of the downmost node in the graph that limits output speed (in a video player it would be realtime). The graph is walked up, passing needed requests to decoder nodes and issuing the actual seek request to the input node.

See examples/video_player.avplumber for a typical graph with playback control including seeking. Example control commands compatible with it:

  • rtsync 30000 - seek to DTS=30s
  • pause p, resume p
  • speed.set s 0.25 - set speed to 4 times slower than realtime
  • speed.set s 2 - set speed to 2 times faster than realtime

Fast seek

If you want seeking to be as fast as possible, you'll need a specially encoded file. You can make it with avplumber, too.

  • Use intra-frame-only codec for enc_video
  • Specify seek_table option of the output node

In your application controlling the player, parse the generated seek table and find byte offset corresponding to the timestamp you want to seek to. Then issue the command:

seek.bytes rtsync BYTES_OFFSET

Make sure that preseek is set to 0 (or unspecified) in the player's input node.

Tips & tricks

How to quickly change input on the fly

node.interrupt input
node.param.set input url "rtmp://"

Important: Execute the second command immediately after the first.

The first command stops input close to immediately (even if it's being restarted right now). Input (if configured properly by auto_restart policy) will restart itself (or the whole group) after a second. So we issue the second command within that second, before internal lock on nodes manager is acquired.

Note that if input is running normally (i.e. not starting right now), the following commands will do effectively the same:

node.param.set input url "rtmp://"
node.auto_restart input

How to dump avplumber config from log

sed -e 's/^.\+\[control\] Executing: \(.\+\)$/\1/; t; d' < log

View log without HLS muxer's spam

grep -Ev '^(EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:[0-9]+|\[AVIOContext @ 0x[a-f0-9]+\] Statistics: [0-9]+ seeks, [0-9]+ writeouts|\[hls @ 0x[a-f0-9]+\] Opening '\''.+\.tmp'\'' for writing)$' logfile | less

Watch queues fill in real time

watch -n0.1 "echo 'queues.stats' | nc localhost 20200"

In some versions of netcat it doesn't work. Try this:

watch -n0.1 "echo 'queues.stats\nbye\n\n' | nc localhost 20200"

If you have big queues, they may occupy multiple lines in terminal. To make them shorter:

while true; do echo -e 'queues.stats\nbye\n\n' | nc localhost 20200 | sed -E 's/#{16}/\$/g; s/\.{16}/,/g' ; sleep 0.1; done

Find non-empty queues

open log file in less, press / or ? and use this regular expression:


License and acknowledgements

Created by Teodor Wozniak [email protected]

Copyright (c) 2018-2024 Amagi Media Labs Pvt. Ltd

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with this program. If not, see


This program uses FFmpeg libraries.

FFmpeg codebase is mainly LGPL-licensed with optional components licensed under GPL. Please refer to its LICENSE file for detailed information.


This program uses AvCpp - C++ wrapper for FFmpeg dual-licensed under the GNU Lesser General Public License, version 2.1 or a BSD-Style License

C++ Requests

This program uses C++ Requests (cpr) library.

Copyright (c) 2017-2021 Huu Nguyen

Copyright (c) 2022 libcpr and many other contributors

MIT License


This program uses Flags.hh command line parser header.

Copyright (c) 2015, Song Gao

BSD-3-Clause license


This program uses ReaderWriterQueue.

Copyright (c) 2013-2021, Cameron Desrochers

Simplified BSD License


This program uses JSON for Modern C++ library licensed under the MIT License

Copyright © 2013-2022 Niels Lohmann


This program uses CUDA loader taken from NVIDIA's CUDA samples.

Copyright (c) 2022, NVIDIA CORPORATION. All rights reserved.

BSD-3-Clause license


A "gstreamer-like" C++ framework for ffmpeg/libav graphs with support of async processing and lock-free queue







No packages published

Contributors 4

