Simple and Modern Weather App created using SwiftUl. It uses OpenWeatherAPI for weather data fetching.
- Features
- Screenshots
- Requirements
- What you can learn?
- Dependencies
- Project Structure
- Contribute
- Contact
- Fully SwiftUI Based
- Dark Mode Support
- MVVM Design Patern
Weather Varta Home | |
iOS 17 & Above
Xcode 15 & Above
- You can learn Technologies like
- SwiftUI
- Dependency Injection
- Swift Package Manager(SPM)
This project uses SPM (Swift Package Manager) as Dependency manager.
Weather Varta # Root Group
├── Extensions # Extension for CLLocationCoordinate2D to be Equatable (to detect change of location)
├── Globals # Contains App constants
├── Managers # Network Manager and Location Manager
├── Views # SwiftUI Views
├── Model # Weather Model and API Result Models
└── Preview Content # Dummy Data Files for supporting SwiftUI Previews
If you want to contribute to this app, you're always welcome!
You can contribute us by filing issues, bugs and PRs.
Before you open a issue or report a bug, please check if the issue or bug is related to Xcode or SwiftUI.
Have an project? DM me at 👇
Drop a mail to:- [email protected]