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To quick start projects.

The following tools are assumed to be installed and configured:

Replace my_project with the name of the project, amano-takahisa with your GitHub username.

Jupyter Notebook Based Project

Building an environment to manage jupyter notebooks with Git.

Additional Requirements:

Setup Project Environment

Create a directory for the project and initialize a git repository.

mkdir my_project && cd $_ && gh repo create --private $_

# initialize a git repository
rye init --virtual
rye sync --features dev
source .venv/bin/activate

# add dependencies
rye add \
    matplotlib \
rye add --optional test \
    click \
    pre-commit \
    pytest \
rye add --optional dev \
    autodoc-pydantic \
    click \
    isort \
    jupyterlab \
    jupyterlab-code-formatter \
    jupyterlab-vim \
    nbconvert \
    nbformat \
    nbsphinx \
    pre-commit \
    pytest \
    pytest-cov \
    sphinx \

Configuration for documentation

Run the following command to create a docs directory and a docs/source directory.

sphinx-quickstart \
    --sep \
    --project=$(basename $(pwd)) \
    --author=Taka \
    -v=0.1.0 \
    --release=0.1.0 \
    --language=en \
    --ext-githubpages \
sphinxcontrib.autodoc_pydantic \

Update docs/source/ as follows:

# files start from `_` are excluded from the documentation
exclude_patterns = ['**/_*']

html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'

# Define substitutions
rst_epilog = f"""
.. |project| replace:: {project}

Add example document souces to docs/source/.

Add to the scripts directory.

Configuration for Jupyter Notebook

Copy .jupyter directory to $HOME/.jupyter directory if you want to use the same settings on jupyter notebook.

Configuration for Python

Add following sections to pyproject.toml:

line-length = 79

quote-style = "single"

Configuration for Git

Add followings to .gitignore:

# rye

# Jupyter notebook

Add a filter not to commit execution results of jupyter notebook.

ref: Jupyter Notebook(ipynb)の実質コードのみをgitリポジトリ管理するには


git config --local filter.clean_ipynb.clean 'jupyter nbconvert --stdin --stdout --clear-output'
git config --local filter.clean_ipynb.smudge cat

echo '*.ipynb  filter=clean_ipynb' >> .git/info/attributes
# or
# echo '*.ipynb  filter=clean_ipynb' >> .gitattributes

Configuration for GitHub Pages

The repository is need to be public to use GitHub Pages.

On GitHub repository page, go to Settings -> Pages and set Build and deployment source to GitHub Actions.

Add .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml to the project.

Commit and push the above changes

git remote add origin [email protected]:amano-takahisa/$(basename $(pwd)).git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main


  1. Add or update jupyter notebooks, reStructuredText files in the docs/source directory.
  2. Add file names to docs/source/index.rst if necessary.
  3. Run make html -C docs to build the documentation.

When make html -C docs is executed, html files are created by nbsphinx after notebooks have been executed, if all cell execution results are cleared before hand. If you know that the running notebook will take a long time, add a prefix _ to the filename of the notebook and run the script before running make html -C docs. Notebooks start with _ will be converted as reStructuredText files and they will not be executed by make html -C docs as Sphinx ignores them.

GitHub Pages will be updated automatically when the main branch is updated on (

Python Package Development

Building an environment to manage jupyter notebooks with Git.

Additional Requirements:

Setup Project Environment

Create a directory for the project and initialize a git repository.

mkdir my_project && cd $_ && gh repo create --private $_

# initialize a git repository
rye init
rye sync --features dev
source .venv/bin/activate

# add dependencies
rye add \
    matplotlib \
rye add --optional test \
    click \
    pre-commit \
    pytest \
rye add --optional dev \
    autodoc-pydantic \
    click \
    isort \
    jupyterlab \
    jupyterlab-code-formatter \
    jupyterlab-vim \
    nbconvert \
    nbformat \
    nbsphinx \
    pre-commit \
    pytest \
    pytest-cov \
    sphinx \

Configuration for documentation

Run the following command to create a docs directory and a docs/source directory.

sphinx-quickstart \
    --sep \
    --project=$(basename $(pwd)) \
    --author=Taka \
    -v=0.1.0 \
    --release=0.1.0 \
    --language=en \
    --ext-githubpages \
sphinxcontrib.autodoc_pydantic \

Update docs/source/ as follows:

# files start from `_` are excluded from the documentation
exclude_patterns = ['**/_*']

html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme'

# Define substitutions
rst_epilog = f"""
.. |project| replace:: {project}

Add example document souces to docs/source/.

Add to the scripts directory.

Configuration for Jupyter Notebook

Copy .jupyter directory to $HOME/.jupyter directory if you want to use the same settings on jupyter notebook.

Configuration for Python

Add following sections to pyproject.toml:

include = ["src"]
venvPath = "."
venv = ".venv"

addopts = "--cov --cov-report=term --cov-report=html --cov-branch"

line-length = 79

select = [

ignore = [
  "ANN003",  # Missing type annotation for **{name}
  "ANN101",  # Missing type annotation for self in method
  "COM812",  # Trailing comma missing. Compatibility issues
  "D105",  # Missing docstring in magic method
  "ISC001",  # Implicitly concatenated string literals on one line
  "Q000",  # Single quotes found but double quotes preferred
  "S603",  # Check for method calls that initiate a subprocess without a shell

docstring-code-format = true
quote-style = "single"

inline-quotes = "single"

"" = [
  "D104",  # Missing docstring in public package
"docs/source/" = [
  "A001",  # Checks for variable (and function) assignments that use the same name as a builtin.
"**/{tests,docs}/*" = [
  "INP001",  # File {filename} is part of an implicit namespace package. Add an
  "D100",  # Missing docstring in public module
  "D101",  # Missing docstring in public class
  "D102",  # Missing docstring in public method
  "D103",  # Missing docstring in public function
  "ANN201", # Missing return type annotation for public function
  "S101",  # Use of assert detected
  "PLR0913",  # Too many arguments in function definition ( > 5 )

convention = "google"

Configuration for Git

Add followings to .gitignore:

# rye

# Jupyter notebook

# pytest

Add a filter not to commit execution results of jupyter notebook.

ref: Jupyter Notebook(ipynb)の実質コードのみをgitリポジトリ管理するには


git config --local filter.clean_ipynb.clean 'jupyter nbconvert --stdin --stdout --clear-output'
git config --local filter.clean_ipynb.smudge cat

echo '*.ipynb  filter=clean_ipynb' >> .git/info/attributes
# or
# echo '*.ipynb  filter=clean_ipynb' >> .gitattributes

Configuration for GitHub Pages

The repository is need to be public to use GitHub Pages.

On GitHub repository page, go to Settings -> Pages and set Build and deployment source to GitHub Actions.

Add .github/workflows/gh-pages.yml to the project.

Configuration for pytest

Add a directory for tests and a file for configuration.

mkdir -p tests/
touch tests/
cat <<EOF > tests/
from $(basename $(pwd)) import hello

def test_hello():
    assert hello() == 'Hello from $(basename $(pwd))!'

cat <<EOF > src/$(basename $(pwd))/
def hello() -> str:
    """Return a greeting."""
    return 'Hello from $(basename $(pwd))!'

Add .github/workflows/test.yml to the project.

Configuration for pre-commit

Add .pre-commit-config.yaml to the project.

Run following command to install pre-commit hooks.

pre-commit install
pre-commit autoupdate
pre-commit run --all

Commit and push the above changes

git remote add origin [email protected]:amano-takahisa/$(basename $(pwd)).git
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin main


  1. Add or update jupyter notebooks, reStructuredText files in the docs/source directory.
  2. Add file names to docs/source/index.rst if necessary.
  3. Run make html -C docs to build the documentation.

When make html -C docs is executed, html files are created by nbsphinx after notebooks have been executed, if all cell execution results are cleared before hand. If you know that the running notebook will take a long time, add a prefix _ to the filename of the notebook and run the script before running make html -C docs. Notebooks start with _ will be converted as reStructuredText files and they will not be executed by make html -C docs as Sphinx ignores them.

GitHub Pages will be updated automatically when the main branch is updated on (


No description, website, or topics provided.






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