verdandi Public archive
Repository moved, please use https://github.com/CRIMSONCardiovascularModelling/verdandi for new development
C++ GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedAug 27, 2021 -
QtRadioButtonUncheck Public
A repository showing that unchecking a QRadioButton in Qt 5.7.0 is ineffective
C++ The Unlicense UpdatedJan 13, 2021 -
libbat Public
A mirror of the libbat's source code, https://zenodo.org/record/3856055
C++ MIT License UpdatedSep 10, 2020 -
QtCustomWidget Public
A quick example showing how to use a custom widget in Qt 5.7.0
C++ The Unlicense UpdatedAug 24, 2020 -
QtTableWidgetWithComboBox Public
A demo showing how to put a Combo box in a Qt QTableWidget (Qt 5.7.0)
walk_packages_test Public
A minimal example repository demonstrating walk_packages
Python The Unlicense UpdatedJul 16, 2020 -
QtPropertyBrowser_Qt5Example Public
Forked from rkhlebnikov/QtPropertyBrowserA property browser framework enabling the user to edit a set of properties.
QObjectSignalTest Public
Minimal example showing how to implement signals / slots with a custom QObject
C++ The Unlicense UpdatedJul 15, 2020 -
Fortran_GDB_Common Public
A repo demonstrating a problem where GDB can't seem to examine the value of Fortran common module variables
CMake_FindPackage Public
A project demonstrating find_package in CMake and the structure of a find script, and how find scripts handle varaibles
CMake_Is_Cache Public
Sample code to check if a CMake variable is a local variable or cache
CMakeGlobRecurseExamples Public
Examples for CMake's file(GLOB_RECURSE
indentguide Public
Forked from zooba/indentguideIndent Guides for Visual Studio, the only reason this repo exists is to provide a 15.0 tag
MITK-ProjectTemplate Public
Forked from MITK/MITK-ProjectTemplateThis is a template for MITK based projects.
MITK_ForProjectTemplate_v2016.11 Public
Forked from MITK/MITKThe Medical Imaging Interaction Toolkit.
CTK Public
Forked from commontk/CTKA set of common support code for medical imaging, surgical navigation, and related purposes.
CMake_Superbuild_Extern Public
CMake Superbuild Example: External Repository Project
CMake_Superbuild_Main Public
CMake Superbuild Example: Main Repository Project
CMake_Superbuild_Root Public
CMake Superbuild Example: Root / Superbuild Project
CMake-VisualStudio-Example Public
Forked from cognitivewaves/CMake-VisualStudio-ExampleCMake example for Visual Studio developers