Used Docker-Compose for performing this exercise
== Vagrantfile uses this vagrant image : puphpet/ubuntu1404-x64 == Port is forwarded to 8080, so localhost:8080 will open admin panel of word press after successful installation == Vagrant docker provisioner is used to download MySql's docker image which will be used in later point of time (i.e. another option to do the exercise) == Vagrant file provisioners are used to transfer files from local machine to Vagrant VM == Vagrant shell provisioners are used to execute shell scripts written on Vagrant VM without copying the files to VM
== At first "" is executed and latest wordpress files are downloaded on the VM machine. All the old files are deleted
== After this "" is executed which first downloads docker-compose, makes it executable and finally runs the "docker-compose" with "up" option in order to start building the docker image
== Docker-Compose reads "docker-compose.yml" file which has flow defined == As per this flow, first build task is executed and for that "Dockerfile" is used. During this build php docker image is referred and downloaded. Later this image is modified by adding wordpress files to it which were downloaded earlier. "Mounting" of current local directory to "code" directory of container is also done here. "Port exposure" and required "commands" are executed as a part of this process. == Then with the help of "linking" feature this container is connected with MySql container which will be downloaded as a part of "db" task. We creaet "WordPress" database also.
== When the build is complete, from our localhost:8080 we can access the WP. wp-config.php file can be used to do some level of configuration for WP.
== Vagrant is installed on machine == imapge puphpet/ubuntu1404-64 is not already available
How to Execute:
== Pull the code from git repository == in the base folder execute vagrant up == if image is already available then execute vagrant reload --provisioner