Ensure microservices are applying your latest standard to deliver consistent improvements across your organization
Open Source Metering and Usage Based Billing API ⭐️ Consumption tracking, Subscription management, Pricing iterations, Payment orchestration & Revenue analytics
A tiny HTTP server for supporting custom Golang import paths
Grafana Tempo is a high volume, minimal dependency distributed tracing backend.
An enterprise-class UI design language and React UI library
A utility that allows retrying a function with an exponential delay between attempts.
Better Go Playground with autocompletion and syntax highlight
Distributed task queue written in Ruby, backed by Redis and using event loops to handle concurrency
📦 Zero-configuration bundler for tiny modules.
🎲 webcrypto library for Node, React Native and IE11+
A Python framework to write Kubernetes operators in just a few lines of code
OpenTelemetry Collector
Type safe SQL builder with code generation and automatic query result data mapping
Monitor issued certificates in real-time and send alerts to Slack when a domain matches.
Nuxt Socket IO - client and server module for Nuxt
Linux, Jenkins, AWS, SRE, Prometheus, Docker, Python, Ansible, Git, Kubernetes, Terraform, OpenStack, SQL, NoSQL, Azure, GCP, DNS, Elastic, Network, Virtualization. DevOps Interview Questions
An interactive kubernetes client featuring auto-complete.