This package provides two products of CKSource, called CKEditor thats one of the world best WYSIWYG editors and CKFinder that creates a very easy, safe file upload and management trought the CKEditor and by itself, for Laravel 5.4+ framework.
composer require amiirarsallan/laravel-cksource
Run this artisan command inside your main laravel project directory
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-cksource
By running this command you'll have a new directory named files
inside your laravel project storage
this directory will used for CKFinder uploads path.
Open CKFinder config.php
file available in this path /public/vendor/amiirarsalan/laravel-cksource/src/assets/ckfinder/
in line 29
Replace YOUR_APP_KEY with your own application key stores in .env file of project, without base64: flag
$config['authentication'] = function () {
Then, we have the most important part for authentication,
1- Set Cookie to authenticate user in login
In your user login process you have to redirect user after successful login attempt, so by that way you have to
redirect with a cookie set, with command withCookie()
and the cookie should be named allowCkfinder with true value,
and the code snippet should be something like this
//Attempt to login user
if (!auth()->attempt($credentials, request('remember'))) {
return back()->withErrors([
'message' => 'Please check your credentials.'
//Redirect to panel
return redirect()->withCookie(cookie()->forever('allowCkfinder', true));
2- Unset Cookie while user logout
To make the process works completely, you have to remove the cookie while user logout, and the snippet should be something like this
//Log out the user
//Redirect to index
return redirect()->withCookie(cookie()->forget('allowCkfinder'));
composer update amiirarsallan/laravel-cksource
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=laravel-cksource --force
Package generates new custom Laravel Blade syntax,
@ckeditor( [arg1](textarea name), [arg2](textarea id), [arg3]{optional}(ckeditor custom configs) )
This syntax creates a new <textarea>
HTML element in your view and its name
and id
will populate trough first two arguments of @ckeditor
3rd argument will be the CKFinder custom configurations.
CKFinder and browse server button of CKEditor will be available while Auth::check()
return true result,
so it means when a user authenticated then CKFinder will be enabled.
To disable CKFinder activation via Laravel Auth, just go trough this path in your laravel project
and open config.php file inside this directory, then remove the whole code $config['authentication']
in line 28
and just write
$config['authentication'] = function () {
return true;
This error usually occures while you hit Browse Server button from CKEditor dialog, to fix this you have to
Open CKFinder config /public/vendor/amiirarsalan/laravel-cksource/src/assets/ckfinder/config.php
and comment line 13, 14
// Production
// error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT);
// ini_set('display_errors', 0);
and uncomment line 17, 18
// Development
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
Save the config file and try re-open the Browse Server dialog from CKEditor, If the error shown on screen display something like this,
Fatal error: Interface 'CKSource\CKFinder\Request\Transformer\TransformerInterface' not found in X:\X\public\vendor\amiirarsallan\laravel-cksource\src\assets\ckfinder\core\connector\php\vendor\cksource\ckfinder\src\CKSource\CKFinder\Request\Transformer\JsonTransformer.php on line 24
Go to the path
and open JsonTransformer.php
file, on line 24, change the code like this
class JsonTransformer //implements TransformerInterface
This will fix the Browse Server dialog.