Administrative information system with role-based permissions and full CRUD capabilities.
User is given a role (Student or Professor) with a unique username and password.
Users without a role can still access the public pages: lists and details of courses, majors and professors.
The app will track a Student's progress as it relates to the course requirements of their specific major.
A Student can Add / Drop courses and search courses by their specific major or all courses.
A Professor can create a course, create a grade for a student enrolled in their specific course and update a grade for a student currently enrolled in their course.
- Ruby on Rails using MVC design pattern
- Sqlite3 Database using ActiveRecord
- Bcrypt for authentication
- Bootstrap
- Run
bundle install
- Run
rake db:migrate
- Run
rake db:seed
- Run
rails s
- Roberto Busó-García
- Amirata Khodaparast