Sometimes developers want to differentiate themselves from others. This repository was created a few years ago while I was working at the University of Sharif. Now, I have found some time to update and maintain the code. I remember when I first heard of gRPC, I was struggling with REST APIs. However, using gRPC with Android has been much easier for me. In this repository, I have used various technologies such as Redux, Jetpack Compose, and many others..
To run the client Python server, first clone this repository: Then, set your IP in the BaseIp field of the Constant class in the client code. Before doing so, be sure to read some articles about gRPC technology.
object Constance {
const val BaseIp = ""
const val BasePort = 50051
const val NoError = "NoError"
There are three Grpc services (Unary) available for communicating with the server:
1 - GetVideosX to get a list of movies with filters.
2 - SearchVideosX to search for movies.
3 - GetHeadersX to get banner information.
service Body {
rpc GetVideosX (VideoListXRequest) returns (VideoListXReply) {}
rpc SearchVideosX (VideoListXRequest) returns (VideoListXReply) {}
rpc GetHeadersX (VideoHeaderXRequest) returns (VideoHeaderXReply) {}
message VideoListXRequest {
string filter = 1;
message VideoListXReply {
repeated VideoListXModel VideoListX = 1;
message VideoListXModel {
int32 ID = 1;
string Name = 2;
string Description = 3;
string Picture = 4;
string Category = 5;
int32 Views = 6;
int32 Year = 7;
string Director = 8 ;
string Cast = 9;
message VideoHeaderXRequest {
string filter = 1;
message VideoHeaderXReply {
repeated VideoHeaderXModel VideoHeaderX = 1;
message VideoHeaderXModel {
int32 ID = 1;
int32 ID_VIDEO = 2;
string Name = 3;
string Description = 4;
string Picture = 5;
- Jetpack compose
- REDUX (uniDirectional data flow)
- navigation (compose accompanist)
- UnitTest ( grpcTest - Mock)
- coroutines - flow
- and so many animation
I believe that this repository, which includes videos and sufficient documentation, is the best choice for learning about Redux .