jesse-fork Public
Forked from jesse-ai/jesseAn advanced crypto trading bot written in Python
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2025 -
orderbook-merger Public
Merge BTC/USD orderbooks of Kraken, Gemini, and Coinbase
C++ MIT License UpdatedJan 22, 2025 -
internship-2017 Public
A search engine built in internship, summer 2017.
lottery-game Public
My solution to an interview question: Build a lottery game
Go UpdatedOct 21, 2023 -
news-search-engine Public
Forked from MehranTaghian/news-search-engineA search engine for crawling news from the web, storing in a structured way, and querying through the stored documents for finding the most relevant results using Machine Learning and Information R…
go-gin-gorm-postgres Public
A very simple project using Gin as the web framework, Gorm as an ORM, written in Golang
GolangTraining Public
Forked from GoesToEleven/GolangTrainingTraining for Golang (go language)
AUT-neural-networks-HW1 Public
binary classification using single Perceptron unit, single Adaline unit, and second order Perceptron
AUT-machine-learning-HW1 Public
first homework of machine learning course in Amirkabir university + solutions
modified version of https://github.com/vruizext/InvertedIndex.git to zip index output files
mdcp-android-client Public
android application which connects to mobile distributed computing platform (mdcp) then gets a job and executes it then uploads the result back to mdcp
mdcp-cat-and-dog-recognizer Public
A simple program to recognize cats and dogs which is intended to run on mdcp