spark-metrics Public
Forked from groupon/spark-metricsA library to expose more of Apache Spark's metrics system
Scala BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedMar 16, 2017 -
elasticsearch-kopf Public
Forked from lmenezes/elasticsearch-kopfweb admin interface for elasticsearch
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2017 -
docker-canopsis Public
Forked from adamamaiga/docker-canopsisDocker Canopsis
Shell UpdatedFeb 8, 2017 -
ignite Public
Forked from apache/igniteMirror of Apache Ignite
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 6, 2016 -
flume Public
Forked from apache/logging-flumeMirror of Apache Flume
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 22, 2015 -
seyren Public
Forked from scobal/seyrenAn alerting dashboard for Graphite
Java Other UpdatedNov 18, 2015 -
carbon-relay-ng Public
Forked from grafana/carbon-relay-ngFast carbon relay+aggregator with admin interfaces for making changes online - production ready
Go Other UpdatedNov 3, 2015 -
aws-sdk-java Public
Forked from aws/aws-sdk-javaOfficial mirror of the AWS SDK for Java. For more information on the AWS SDK for Java, see our web site:
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 3, 2015 -
flume-redis Public
Forked from testvidya11/flume-redisFlume-Redis adds Source and Sink capabilities to support Redis in Apache Flume
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 2, 2015 -
incubator-zeppelin Public
Forked from apache/zeppelinMirror of Apache Zeppelin (Incubating)
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 29, 2015 -
libcloud Public
Forked from apache/libcloudApache Libcloud is a Python library which hides differences between different cloud provider APIs and allows you to manage different cloud resources through a unified and easy to use API
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedOct 13, 2015 -
ryba Public
Hadoop deployment made easy: HA and Kerberos secured cluster in 1 command
metrics Public
Forked from dropwizard/metrics📈 Capturing JVM- and application-level metrics. So you know what's going on.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJul 24, 2015 -
zeppelin Public
Forked from ZEPL/zeppelinDEPRECATED. Zeppelin has moved to Apache. Please make pull request there
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 12, 2015 -
cassandra_handler_for_hive Public
Forked from Orange-OpenSource/cassandra_handler_for_hiveCassandra Storage Handler for Hive
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 21, 2015 -
cassandra-driver-mapping Public
Forked from valchkou/cassandra-driver-mappingJPA addon for DataStax Java Driver for Cassandra
Java UpdatedFeb 19, 2015 -
brickhouse Public
Forked from jeromebanks/brickhouseHive UDF's for the data warehouse
Java Other UpdatedNov 29, 2014 -
pipework Public
Forked from jpetazzo/pipeworkSoftware-Defined Networking tools for LXC (LinuX Containers)
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 26, 2014 -
incubator-drill Public
Forked from apache/drillMirror of Apache Drill (Incubating)
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 14, 2014 -
hadoop-sstable Public
Forked from fullcontact/hadoop-sstableSplittable Input Format for Reading Cassandra SSTables Directly
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedNov 6, 2014 -
cassandra2-hadoop2 Public
Forked from wibiclint/cassandra2-hadoop2Build Cassandra 2.0 against Hadoop 2.x.
Java UpdatedMay 28, 2014 -
dataiku-hive-udf Public
Forked from dataiku/dataiku-hive-udfA collection of Hive UDFs
Java UpdatedMay 20, 2014 -
hive-cassandra Public
Forked from 2013Commons/hive-cassandraHive Cassandra storage handler with Hadoop2 and for Shark
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 20, 2014 -
docker-cassandra Public
Forked from nicolasff/docker-cassandraA set of scripts and config files to run a Cassandra cluster from Docker
Shell Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 24, 2014 -
elasticsearch-hadoop Public
Forked from elastic/elasticsearch-hadoopElasticsearch real-time search and analytics natively integrated with Hadoop
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 18, 2014